It appears that two very respectable players who have even donated in the past and got whitelist on the new server, decided to farm our players and advertise them to their own servers. These players also made claims such as our server is closing down, or that there map is safe. Let me clear that up right now. Our server is not going, it is however going from Public (Anyone can join) to Private (Need to be whitelisted/invited to join). This is to stop the influx of new untrusted players who we do not know. The majority of our active players won't be affect by this, as if they are active and trusted, they will get an invite before or shortly after. Secondly, yes our map is regenerating. That is the truth. But let me be clear, most other servers are to for one simple reason. If you want NPC's, Villages, Strongholds, and other features in the Final Minecraft out on November 18th, you have to have new maps. So for all these servers on 1.8 now claiming there map is safe, trust me in almost all cases they will have the same problem with re-generation of maps. Notch has made this clear, that the 'map generation' is changing and old maps won't have all the new features and the new landscape generation wont match the old leading to some dodgy chunks. As such, people are reacting badly due to a lack of understanding, and SuperCity / Jellebrick have been taking advantage of this and trying to make their own claims and their own servers. I'd like to remind people, its a bannable offence. Not only that, but its also total disrespecful to lie to our members and get them onto your server for personal gain. What part of people think its acceptable behaviour to lie and farm our players and split apart good friendships. As such, I really do hope Jelle's and Super's servers fail badly. I've never felt so disappointed by players we trusted.
How about me..? Do I still get an invite or no, I really want to know, Otherwise ive spent those 3.5 hours walking across map for nothing, I'd really like to get invited, And another thing, Jelle told me that he heard you Talking about me on the private server, I'd really like to know what that was about Yours- -Onderzetter
This thread isnt a place to request invites, unless your admitting you have also been doing as jellebrick did? I have no recolation about talking about you in the private server, short of asking Mike if your going to be coming across onto it. Proof of that is the fact my playtime is about 2 hours in the past whole month in that demo server so its highly likely someone else may have talked about you (or no one at all as I'm sure people have more interesting things in life).. Either way, take that up with Jelle who is most likely adding more false rumours to the mix.