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Remove Motion Blur From Blacksite - Area 51 (4D5707D7)

Discussion in 'Mods / Patches' started by AmyGrrl, Nov 7, 2024.

  1. AmyGrrl

    AmyGrrl Member

    Nov 10, 2009
    Likes Received:
    I actually figured out how to do this back in 2011. I think I only posted about it on Se7enSins at the time. But thought I would post it on Digiex. This game has some pretty terrible Motion Blur and I hated playing this Game because of it. Also its possible that doing this mod may remove other effects from the game. However, I think it actually makes the game look better in my opinion. I posted an already modded version of the file if you don't want to Hex Edit the file yourself. You can find the download for it near the bottom.

    ( 1 ) Test The Game
    Test the Game. Load it up and see how the Game looks before you Mod it.

    ( 2 ) Extract The Game
    Download Xbox Image Browser v2.9. https://digiex.net/threads/xbox-360-image-browser-2-9-0-350-xiso-browser-and-extractor.3136/
    Create a Folder and use Xbox Image Browser v2.9 to Extract all the files from the Game Disc or ISO to the Folder you created..

    ( 3 ) Locate The File
    Locate the file 'a52postfx.xxx' in 'A52Game\Content'.

    ( 4 ) Hex Edit The File
    Open up 'a52postfx.xxx' in a Hex Editor, like HxD or Hex Workshop.
    Do a text Search for 'A52DefaultEffect', it also near the very top of the file. So it should be easy to locate.
    Blacksite - Find.png

    Now Zero out A52DefaultEffect by changing it from '41353244656661756C74456666656374 A52DefaultEffect' to '00000000000000000000000000000000 ................'. See the Before and After pictures.

    Blacksite - Before.png

    Blacksite - After.png

    ( 5 ) Save And Replace
    Save the file and then replace 'a52postfx.xxx' with the modded one.

    ( 6 ) Try The Game\Convert To GOD
    If you prefer having your Game as Extracted Files. You can just copy over the Modded Game to your XBOX 360.
    If you prefer to having your Game as a GOD. If you follow Step 5 of my Wolfenstein - The New Order Guide. It explains how to do this.

    ( 7 ) Enjoy The Game!
    Now go play Blacksite - Area 51 on your XBOX 360 and see how much better the Game looks without Motion Blur! Enjoy!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2024
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I enjoyed this game a lot back in the day so I'll be sure to check this out! thanks for posting this and the post on how to combine the Wolfenstein CD's, very useful info to have out there.
    AmyGrrl likes this.

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