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Requests Forum Notice [Regarding 360 Demos]

Discussion in 'Requests' started by Nimrod, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    London, United Kingdom
    This only affects Xbox 360 Demo Requests, requests for other content can continue as normal as there is a separate team for that.

    As you may have noticed recently, the requests forum has got out of hand, with the number of requests being made heavily outnumbering the number of requests completed. There was only around 4 dedicated members who kept uploading 360 Demos, and for different reasons they aren't as active as they once were. (Some have gone back to University)

    I know with a couple of the users, they gave up as they started getting abuse from members on threads (even as far as them getting called lazy) and constant PM's demanding demos be done and to be honest, I understand why they don't help out as much. Ripping a demo and spending hours uploading it was time consuming work and they weren't paid to do it. When doing someone a favour turns around and the people helping gets abuse, that's just wrong.

    So here's how it currently is. Unless some other members go from making requests to actually helping by uploading them, as it stands the current team of uploaders are busy, they won't stop uploading all together, but the time they have will be spent focusing on the more exclusive stuff (demos for example which are exclusive for some reason, like the Left 4 Dead 2 Demo or Resident Evil). For people who are just requesting demos for old games which have been out on Xbox Live for a few months, honestly I doubt your request will be forfilled. Think of this as a shift in priority's.

    Any questions, just reply to this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Just to add what Nimrod has said:

    I realise some people requesting Demos genuinely can not get on Xbox Live to download the demos due to networking difficulties and such. If you make a post in the forums we will be more than happy to try and help get you on Xbox Live. Usually if you have a question or problem someone here will know the answer, we have members here with a wide variety of skills in different areas who will be more than happy to help.

    I totally understand in the past downloading demos from Digiex and burning them to disc was the only way a lot of you could play the latest demos. Microsoft sold a lot of core / arcade consoles with no hard drives, and I totally agree that buying an official hard drive was quite an expensive thing to do as they were massively over priced. However Microsoft now allows the 360 to use USB memory sticks up to 16gb in size to save content on such as saves, profiles and of course demos. So unless you are banned from Xbox Live downloading demos really should not be too difficult.

    I will happily upload hard to get demos like I have done in the past with Resident Evil 5 and Left 4 Dead, however I dont personally have the time anymore to basically upload every demo released on Xbox Live to Digiex. To me that was never what the download center has been about. It has always been about providing rare content that is hard to get, such as the free premium themes for example and the demos mentioned above.

    I hope people can understand this, of course anyone wanting to upload the latest demos is more than welcome to :) and again if you are not banned from live I have no problem trying to help you get connected.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    I have seen a lot of requests by certain people regarding demos we moved to torrents years ago, just to add some info:

    We are not allowing people to re upload Demo's that we moved off to torrents years ago, its pointless for the couple of download they will get.
    If you really want to play one of these old games, buy it! Most of them are less than £5 now...

    We currently have 114 demos and 33 arcade trials on the Digiex server, thats more than enough for you to find something to play.

    Space is not unlimited on the Digiex server, although we do have a lot we have a lot of content too, so im just trying not to let us get in to a situation where we need to move demos to torrents again any time soon.

    We do have to think about the bigger picture at times so we don't create problems in the future, thanks for your understanding.
    Rick and Michael_T like this.
  4. mickeyaccount

    mickeyaccount Member

    Nov 8, 2020
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    A lot of the requests are pretty old. What are the rules regarding necroposting?

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