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Requiem 4.1 - Remove iTunes DRM (FairPlay) from music, video and books

Discussion in 'Applications' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Requiem is a program that removes Apple's DRM (called FairPlay) from songs, videos, and books purchased on iTunes, This allows content purchased on iTunes to be played on non-Apple-approved devices, like a SlimServer or Linux box. The DRM removal is a lossless process, it is merely decrypting the file, not decoding and re-encoding it, meaning no quality is lost when the DRM is removed.

    Requiem must be run on a computer that are currently authorized to play the DRM'd music or video.


    Download Requiem 4.1 for Windows
    Download Requiem 4.1 for OSX
    Download Requiem 4.1 Source Code

    Old Downloads:

    Download Requiem 3.3.6 For Windows - Apparently works better for Ebooks.

    How to use:

    Double-click on the Requiem application and watch it work!
    It will automatically find DRMed files in your iTunes library and remove the DRM from them.

    The original DRMed files will be moved to the trash. Make sure you verify that the songs and videos still work before emptying the trash.

    Windows users will need to install Java.

    You can also drag & drop files or directories (which will be searched recursively) onto the Requiem application or the Requiem window.

    Starting Requiem with the shift key down will disable scanning of the iTunes library. You can use this feature to start requiem with a blank window into which you can drag & drop files to be processed.

    How it works:

    Requiem decrypts the audio and video data in your file exactly like iTunes does:

    1. Requiem authenticates with the DRM library using the secret credentials used by iTunes.

    2. Requiem uses the decrypt routines in the DRM library to decrypt all of the audio and video data.


    There is no longer a key cache.


    This program is not intended to promote piracy. I just wanted to play my iTunes songs on a SlimServer! As such, the output file is only minimally modified to remove the DRM. It still has lots of information in it identifying you.

    Command Line:

    You can run Requiem a bunch of different ways from the command line (Mac examples):

    run it as usual:
    java -cp Requiem.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Requiem.jar Requiem

    deDRM a single file:
    java -cp Requiem.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Requiem.jar UnDrm <input file> <output file>

    print mp4 structure of a file:
    java -cp Requiem.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Requiem.jar Mp4 <file>

    print configuration info:
    java -cp Requiem.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Requiem.jar Config

    request more memory: add "-Xmx1024m" (or whatever number of megabytes you want)

    Official Website:

    Requiem had a Tor website, the project is however no more and the website closed down many years ago: http://tag3ulp55xczs3pn.onion
  2. vertium

    vertium New Member

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Can't wait to use this, but getting an error because I'm on iTunes 11.0.2. Any chance that Requiem will be updated to accommodate this version of the library?
  3. Jean

    Jean New Member

    Jun 27, 2013
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    REquiem 4 and Itunes10.7

    Requiem simply does not work, even when reverting to iTunes 10.7 which I did. Requiem doesn't find any DRM to remove from my books in my iTunes Library, so it's hopeless. And there ARE books protected by Apple's special DRM (they clearly appear as such when I "get info".
    Did anybody manage to make Requiem work?
    System : Mac OS 10.6.8
    Itunes 10.7
    Requiem 4.1
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
  5. flowney

    flowney New Member

    Aug 23, 2013
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    I'm on MacOS X 10.8.4, Java 7 Update 25 and iTunes 11.0.5. When I try to open Requiem in Finder, I get the message, "'Requiem' is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash." I tried dragging a protected movie onto it. I tried using "Open With." I tried using the "Open" item in the Finder contextual menu. Same error message every time.

    I then shifted my focus to Terminal where I got this msg: Error: Could not find or load main class UnDrm

    I just spent $20 buying StarTrek Into Darkness and enjoyed the movie very much. However, I need to write up a critical analysis of this movie using screenshots that I annotate with circles, arrows and text. Any Mac app that captures the screen (probably requires a call to the OS) is prevented from doing so by the OS. This is done by masking the screen area with a checkerboard pattern. All screen grabbers are affected this way.

    Taking screen shots for a purpose such as mine is clearly a fair use under US law (Fair Dealing in other countries) so this is not a plea for help in doing anything illegal.

    I understand that Brahms is no longer supporting Requiem so Apple has gotten the last word in on this matter. Perhaps someone can pick up where Brahms left off. Perhaps someone can figure out how to defeat Apple's method for preventing screen capture. Any pointers to other options will be greatly appreciated.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I don't know if any public tools are out there like Requiem, however some people can certainly still remove DRM from iTunes content. All you need to do is Google and you will find 1080p iTunes rips of Star Trek Into Darkness and just about anything else on iTunes at the moment.

    I'm sure in time others tools will be available for people to use on their own purchases.
  7. AmeliaAT

    AmeliaAT New Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Thank you very much! I finally bit the bullet and registered with iTunes to download a specific video [ETA: video serial] released only on iTunes. I downloaded it and was unable to play it on my computer no matter what tweaks I made to my system (I finally managed to get the audio to stop stuttering by putting the quality way down to the CD quality, but the video was still choppy and not in sync with the audio). My sister let me borrow her computer, and I was able to download the serial and watch on her computer just fine (both were running Win7, and my computer actually has higher specs than hers does). I went through the Apple forums, and although I found many threads with many Windows users having the same problem, I didn't find a solution that worked.

    All I wanted to do was to be able to watch the videos I'd paid for on my own computer whenever I wanted. Requiem worked perfectly. I uninstalled the most recent iTunes and installed 10.63, then I deleted the iTunes library and re-downloaded the videos. I fast-forwarded through each video in iTunes, since I read somewhere that the videos have to have been played in iTunes before Requiem could work its magic. Then I extracted Requiem, ran the program, it almost instantly found the videos, and within a relatively short time, I had videos that I could watch using VLC media player -- where they play perfectly.

    Requiem hasn't changed my mind about iTunes -- I'm still not going to purchase anything more from there -- but it has taken away the frustration and irritation I felt every time I remembered the videos I couldn't play! Thank you!

    I hate DRM. It doesn't deter pirates, but it does keep ordinary, honest consumers who just want to be able to watch, listen to, or read the content they've purchased without having compatibility issues.

    Thanks very much!
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  8. Grunt Attack

    Grunt Attack Member

    Jan 25, 2013
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    I get this bug after playing my Itunes film ":we could not complete your itunes store request an unknown error occurred (-42408)) "
  9. 907JesseJones

    907JesseJones New Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Every time I run Requiem it gives me a message "failed call a458f619 - can iTunes play this file?" I've verified my Java is up to date, I downgraded iTunes to 10.7 as I've seen recommended in some of the forums (which resolved the initial error I was getting) but still no go. Any suggestions?
  10. 907JesseJones

    907JesseJones New Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Ok, so opening iTunes and starting to play each file then skipping to the next resolved the issue.
  11. Muggyog

    Muggyog New Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Check you have set 'allow applications downloaded from anywhere' in the general tab of Security & Privacy of the System Preferences ( it defaults to Mac App store ).
  12. Bloho Jo

    Bloho Jo New Member

    Jul 9, 2014
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    I need an older version - Requiem 1.8.8. I tried to get it from Requiem's Tor website, but it appears to no longer be online!

    I searched everywhere, only got fake files and torrents, or dead torrent links or password protected rapidshare files. Even tried eMule.

    Can anyone help?
  13. Diovos

    Diovos New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    Here you go: Requiem 1.8.8 :)
  14. giase

    giase New Member

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Same here, Tor site seems to be down, but I need Requiem 3.3.6 for iBooks. Does anybody have that one and can up it?
  15. food

    food New Member

    Jan 30, 2015
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    Does Requiem support deDRMing Audible books on iTunes? The ones bought on Audible.com, not on iTunes. iTunes plays them, but the deDRM process do not work. Is it supposed to?

    As the current situation, does Requiem work on anything at all?
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If it did i dont think it will anymore sadly as Requiem has not been updated for a few years now. It might still work on older content however.
  17. KiTsunE-XT

    KiTsunE-XT New Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Hello! InsaneNutter, can you explain how to use the terminal on Mac, please?
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    This likely doesn't work with any modern version of iTunes.

    Its easier to use the GUI:

    Double-click on the Requiem application and watch it work! It will automatically find DRMed files in your iTunes library and remove the DRM from them.

    The original DRMed files will be moved to the trash. Make sure you verify that the songs and videos still work before emptying the trash.
  19. KiTsunE-XT

    KiTsunE-XT New Member

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Thank you! But I already know it. I was interested to know how to work with the new version. I just want to remove DRM from Apple Music files (It files don't work with old iTunes).:)
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    To remove the DRM from a single file I think it would be something like this:
    java -cp Requiem.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Requiem.jar UnDrm <input file> <output file>

    So after you have specified the input / output file that would be:
    java -cp Requiem.app/Contents/Resources/Java/Requiem.jar/users/insanenutter/desktop/drmfile.mp4 /users/insanenutter/desktop/nodrmfile.mp4

    The above should remove the DRM for a file on my desktop called "drmfile.mp4" and create a new file called "nodrmfile.mp4"
    Replace "insanenutter" in the above file path with your username on OSX.

    Do you have a link to this newer version? I must be honest I have not used Requiem for years so everything could well have changed.

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