Save Vault - Online Xbox 360 Save Sharer

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by XMBDave, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. XMBDave

    XMBDave Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Over the last couple of months I have been recoding Save Vault from scratch. The reason behind doing this is because I learnt so much when creating SV v2 the first time that the old code is no longer good enough and up to standard. This is why when you see version 3 you will notice that there is a large decrease in loading times(1110% faster in fact).

    Save Vault v3 offers lots of new features like browsing by your favorite developer, publisher and even game genres to help you find those saves which you are being looking for. The Save Set support is a great new feature in Save Vault as it allows you to upload groups of saves(must be for the same game) all at once which is great for Achievement Sets

    We have also broke previous boundaries; one feature Save Vault lacked was a Device Explorer but no longer. We have made it possible for you to upload from devices, download and save to your device without any other applications like Horizon, Modio, FATXplorer.

    Here is a small preview of what is to expect in Save Vault V3.
  2. XMBDave

    XMBDave Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Save Vault is an online save sharer where users can upload and share their Xbox 360 saves and GPDs with other users without any hassle what so ever. Save Vault provides a clean and simple method of finding your favourite saves and GPDs allowing you to download them with ease.

    With the built in resigner you no longer need to open up the save in one of the many modding tools to change your IDs. With Save Vault you just add your profile and you can select the profile when downloading a save and it will immediately resign your save ready to be moved onto your device.

    Save Vault v3 introduces a Device Explorer so you can directly download the save to your device no longer requiring your favorite modding tool. This feature is a Premium only feature which is currently being tested by a select group of users until all bugs are fixed. Premium members can expect to gain access to this feature within September.

    The home page got a big revamp including grids for the Most Downloaded Saves and Recently Uploaded Saves. Where you can quickly navigate to your vault, upload a file and browse. Save Vault is available in two skins"Light" and "Dark".


    Uploading is a very streamlined task you only requiring to enter a fitting title a informational description like the modded things the save contains. A new feature in Save Vault v3 is the ability to upload multiple saves so you can easily share savesets.

    Downloading Saves
    The downloads page is very similar to the download page of Save Vault v2 the biggest change made is you can now download multiple files listed. If you're a Premium member you will get the option to download a ZIP containing all the saves. When starting your download you will be asked with which profile you want the saves to be resigned.

    Downloading GPDs
    A new feature in Save Vault is the ability to upload GPD files. Just upload them like you would do with a regular save. We automatically parse the GPD and retrieve the achievements for it checking which achievements are unlocked and how much gamer score they give.

    Commenting, Liking & Disliking
    If you want to ask something about to save or would like to express you liking the save you can either Comment or give the save a Like or Dislike.


    The Categories section allows you to easily navigate and search for saves for your favorite games by game name, developer, publisher and even its genre. Having the option to sort and order to get faster to the save.




    We've revamped the search engine so it is now possible to search by save, gpd, game, publisher, developer and genre.


    Profiles are used by the resign function to rehash and resign your save before the save starts downloading so you no longer need to use a external tool. Adding a profile is easy and to the point you enter your Gamer-tag and Profile ID optionally you can enter a Device ID and Console ID. If you are a Premium member you can have the website fetch your Profile ID using your Gamertag (Note: this feature may not work for all users).


    The settings page will allow you to change your password and site settings like Avatar, Time Zone, Save Display Style, Whether or not Metro tiles should animate, Skin and Vault Feed type. There are four different Save Display Styles you can use to list saves.

    Metro Tiles

    Light Skin
    Dark Skin

    The Notifications center allows you to send and receive private messages from other save vault users.


    Join Now!
    Enjoy all benifits like downloading, uploading by joining Save Vault. You can signup at

  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Looking very nice, love how the site keeps advancing and the nice clean design you have come up with.

    Going to download some of the Minecraft maps and have a mess about with them, thought you had GTA5 for a second then!
  4. XMBDave

    XMBDave Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Haha it was a trick me and a friend made. The site activity increased by 2000% when it was up. :P
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Haha i bet, i'm not sure which i want more between GTA 5 and the Xbox One at the moment lol
  6. XMBDave

    XMBDave Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    GTA 5. I'm not purchasing the new console.
  7. Brock

    Brock Elite Member

    Feb 6, 2013
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    Yeah definitely GTA 5, Xbox One will be a waste of money IMO.
  8. 400nob

    400nob Active Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    I pre ordered the Day One edition of the Xbox.
    Have thought about cancelling it though as neither console has swayed me at all and I think I will stick with my 360 for a while.

    I'll end up keeping the Xbox One though as its bound to have loop holes and bugs that can be used for exploiting.

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