Scariest Story/Thing That Has Happened To You

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by AntiNaz, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. AntiNaz

    AntiNaz Addict

    Dec 7, 2008
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    The Land of Ice and Snow

    I would like to hear the scariest thing that has ever happened to you. It can be from seeing a ghost, seeing something naughty ( ;) ) or just something foul, revolting, etc.

    I'll post mine up in an edit once I finish doing dishes. Hope to hear some extreme stuff tonight...
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Walking in to the toilets at work each morning... we have a certain person here who lives on curry and beer.

    Put it this way revolting doesn't even begin to sum it up.
  3. AntiNaz

    AntiNaz Addict

    Dec 7, 2008
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    The Land of Ice and Snow
    Wow... That IS terrifying. Mine would probably be the time where I came home to get some things while being home alone and encountering what I thought was a ghost. I didn't turn any lights on in my flat... I thought I would be in and out. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water to drink and you know that feeling you get when someone is watching you? That happened. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the two mirrors I have hanging on my wall. Pretty normal, I thought. In one of them I saw a black outline of someone. I feel the lightest touch on my neck and almost like someone just took a breath and released it ever so gently. I turned around and saw that black outline of a person.

    The scariest part was being able to see the eyes. I've never been that scared in my life. As soon as I saw the eyes for just that second, I knew seeing what I saw wasn't good.

    After that, I grabbed my backpack and left. Didn't grab what I needed to grab, just left. Couldn't come home after this for another week. When I walked out, looking up towards my bedroom mirror I saw the same black outline. I don't know if it was only that one time that this thing was in my house, but that encounter and the contact it had with me was more terrifying than anything.
  4. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    LOL oh i can relate, i had a room mate like that in the past...

    That reminds me of Paranormal Activity if you have ever seen that movie?

    For me nothing too major just a bunch of bad dreams where ive woke up and still found the dream to appear so real. Cant really remember the details now. It usually freaks me out for a few mins then i will have forgot it an hour later.
  5. Popcorn

    Popcorn Active Member

    Nov 4, 2007
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    I always had bad dream at school when I was a kid. I used to wake up screaming almost every night. What insanenutter does not mention is all the times I have stood outside his toilet and scared him half to death making him jump a mile LOLing all the time
  6. AntiNaz

    AntiNaz Addict

    Dec 7, 2008
    Likes Received:
    The Land of Ice and Snow
    I have seen Paranormal Activity. It was kinda like that actually... Frightening. Oh well, hopefully it doesn't happen again :(
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I prefer to block that out of my mind, its more scary than Naz's Paranormal Activity experience!
  8. AntiNaz

    AntiNaz Addict

    Dec 7, 2008
    Likes Received:
    The Land of Ice and Snow
    LOL Hahaha!
  9. Fejinwales

    Fejinwales Member

    Feb 5, 2013
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    When me and my brother were kids and were silly enough to believe in ghosts we had made a huge guy for bonfire night out of old clothes and newspapers. My dad got vicious looking plastic mask for it.
    That night in bed, my brother and I who were about 7 years old heard heavy, slow, thumping footsteps coming up the so on. We counted them and knew at thirteen the noise would be outside our bedroom door which was right at the top of the stairs.
    At thirteen, the noise stopped and out bedroom door slowly opened -then the guy's head and shoulders slowly rose above the door looking at us. All I remember after the realization of what this was, was me and my brother screaming.
    After that I can vaguely remember my father, who was the one who had thought this would be a funny joke, running in the bedroom and turning the light on and trying to explain to us that it was he who had dome it, but I can remember not believing him.
    My mother went bezerk, me and my brother, after that night were always scared and every noise the house made was a ghost. It took years for me to shake this idiocy off, my brother still believes in ghosts.

    That was the most scared I have ever been.
  10. AntiNaz

    AntiNaz Addict

    Dec 7, 2008
    Likes Received:
    The Land of Ice and Snow
    Dang... That's pretty scary, mate. Hopefully you become one with the dark and will never fear monsters again.
  11. Fejinwales

    Fejinwales Member

    Feb 5, 2013
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    I am not scared of the dark and do not believe in ghosts, afterlife, nothing of the sort, my brother on the other hand does believe in ghosts and sleeps with one light on somewhere in the house that he can see. like the landing light for example.

    As an aside, in 1981, when I was 21, I was pole-axed off my Suzuki GS100 by a drunk driver. I was nearly killed and ended up in hospital for around 4 years and 36 operations including skin, muscle and vein transplants, massive infections and the prospect of loosing my leg. (in today's so called Health service in the U.K, they would amputate without a seconds thought because of the cost of treatment), Been through a lot of pain, and scary procedures and warnings with it and still have to use crutches....but that Guy joke by my father is definitely the scariest thing that has ever happened to me.
  12. slimwadey

    slimwadey Addict

    May 27, 2010
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    SE London
    I got shot once

    Silly tale of young stupidity really
    Many moons ago .. say 25 years ago ish
    An old friend and i had another mate who wanted a power steering box for a lorry, as it happens one of us knew where a farmer had an old lorry with the correct part

    So we decided to pinch it... stupid? Yes!

    At 3am and one of us on lookout we were unscrewing bolts in an old barn using tools borrowed from my dad's toolbox
    We were underneath this farmers lorry trying to make as little noise as possible, with every minute of not getting caught we grew more confident, and louder until a light went on in the farmhouse...
    our friend alerted us and we got out from under the truck , crept into the shadows until we heard the farmer shout.. crapping ourselves we ran for it, we got a fair distance away when there was a huge boom and a split second later a stinging sensation on my left side
    With the adrenalin pumping we all carried on running and got away, only a short while afterwards did i and a friend realise we had been hit with some pellets from the shotgun, me on the left side below my armpit and him on the right side same place, we were running side by side with a gap between us
    Had either of us been more to either side we would have had a full blast in the back
    To this day still cant believe how A. lucky and B. Stupid we were
  13. Fejinwales

    Fejinwales Member

    Feb 5, 2013
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    WOW! You were lucky there mate, still, the idiot farmer should not shoot at people in the first place.
  14. slimwadey

    slimwadey Addict

    May 27, 2010
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    SE London
    Maybe but i dont think he was trying to hit us, more scare us and just got lucky.. not lucky for us though
  15. slimwadey

    slimwadey Addict

    May 27, 2010
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    SE London
    I may also tell you about the time armed police broke my door down

    PS: I'm not an habitual criminal just two stupid incidents when i was young and police were a lot more lenient towards stupid young people
  16. paardje

    paardje Addict

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Well, believe it or not (I think you won't believe me but I tell it either way haha!) but my house is actually HAUNTED! Yes, HAUNTED! Last event happened a few days ago. I had a big box of an external HDD (empty) on my closet and... without reason it fell right into the kitchensink. I put it back, same way as usual, BUT IT SCARED THE LIVING POOHBEAR OUTTA ME!

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