This is not just related to on the Digiex Server, but in general (and open to everyone). Show off your best build, or design, or best thing in general you have done on Minecraft
I have many structures that I have built in this particular map that I'm very proud of. But this one is my first ever real structure that I ever built. It's gone through many changes, and has even been transferred across to my current map. It is a huge structure with multiple levels, towers, and features. If you want to take a tour, you'll need to log into my minecraft server as I use a copy of my single player game as my server map.
I've been up to a lot of building since Digiex, but I'd say my best building I've done is one that I'm working on at the moment. I'm building it on a server so just message for the IP, otherwise I'll post some pictures later when I'm at a computer (On iPod right now)
How long did something like that take to build? Ive only really played Minecraft for the odd few days, more to see what people had built in the old Digiex server. Must have taken ages!
I've been working on this map now for over a year an a half. I started it during a long period of unemployment back in 2011 and then continued it in the evenings and weekends (when I could get on the computer). It's gotten to a point now where I can design and build a fairly large structure within a couple of days. I'd recommend checking my server out, which is almost always running, except when the server requires a reboot, or the Minecraft server application requires updating. I think you can get to it on
So I just started working on this, dno if I will finish but it is thought to be some kind of dwarven entrance to a mine
Do i really need to join this thread Yes i do muahahaha I haven't been up to building much but i will get back into it.
Here's my latest build. It's incomplete as yet, but measurements, it may be a world record Minecraft build. 256w x 256l x 256h and that's just the base build. At the top it's a lot bigger and even in creative mode flying to the utmost level you can't see the entire top in one go, you have to pan to see it all.
Bloody hell, Either you know about the //stack command using world edit, or you have way to much time on your hands
Just an update on my current build... The base is 1 block above the void (I've lay'ed bedrock) the top is at the build limit.
Morning, Digiex!!! Sorry I haven't been around for a while, been working 2 jobs lately and it's taken it's toll. Just figured I'd throw in an update on my "world record" Minecraft build. Been working on this since January now and I'd have to say it's only about 25% complete.
Hey guys don't know if this threat is still active but i taught I'd post some of my own works 100% built block by block (no add-in programs)