Signup to Zune Social From Outside The USA

Discussion in 'Mobile Devices' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 3, 2008.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If your reading this you might have gathered only US residents are supposed to be able to sign up for Zune Social, however there’s quite an easy solution to this that doesn’t even require the use of a Proxy in the USA.

    First you need to change your browsers language to EN-US instead of EN-GB or whatever language your using, the easiest web browser to do this in is Firefox.

    To do this in Firefox go to Tools > Options and click the content tab, then choose in the language box. Remove anything listed here and add English-US.


    Now signup for a US windows live ID

    The important bit here is to say you live in the USA and have a valid postcode for the state you live in. Select your state as Arizona and enter 85001 for the postcode.


    Finish the rest of the signup then go to and click sign in.


    You will be asked for some account info as seen below, aslong as you say you live in the USA your good to go.


    After you click accept you will be signed in to the Zune website and be able to sign in to Zune Social on your Zune (Y)


    Have fun!

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