Step by Step Guide for using Plex with Xbox One (How to Guide for DLNA) The Xbox One is a fantastic HTPC replacement, with tons of media apps from Netflix to Hulu, as well as support for TV control but one key component is missing, playback of local content. Many of us have Plex installed which we use for internet sourced content and then playback on various devices. The Xbox 360 supported Plex via DLNA but sadly dispite all the improvements in the Xbox One, Microsoft have so far failed to provide a DLNA Browser for Xbox One which is a critical component to getting Plex playback working. However in this Step by Step Guide, I will detail how you can get around that by using a 'middle-man' device, which can be either a PC, Phone (iPhone or Android) or even a Tablet. This device will act like the DLNA Browser, and connect to your Plex library, then 'Send' the content to your Xbox One to be played. It also doubles up as a nice remote control for your Xbox One while playing so all in all it's gone from work-around to a nice solution for media playback on your Xbox One. The guide is split into two steps, the first part will require you to setup a DLNA Profile on your Plex Server so it can understand the format's the Xbox One supports, the second step will be in 3 parts, depending on what platform you will be using as the DLNA Controller (Middle-man) for the communication between Plex and your Xbox One. Installing the Xbox One DLNA Profile on Plex Server While Plex can transcode the content to any format to support various devices, the Xbox One as it stands isn't officially supported out of the box in Plex. As such, we need to install a DLNA profile into the server so it knows what formats do and don't work on the Xbox One as a client, to insure it transcodes on the fly (when needed) to a suitable format to the Xbox One. This is an easy process, it's just a case of installing an XML file onto your server. The recommended one from the Plex forums can be downloaded here: Download Xbox One DLNA Profile (XML) for Plex Server Alternatively, reddit community member Lightsoul565 has recommended a different profile you can also use (both worked for me), but if you have problems then I recommend trying switching to the Alternative and see if that fixes it. Download Alternative Xbox One DLNA Profile (XML) for Plex Server Once downloaded, it's time to install the profile into your Plex Server, please see below depending on if you are using it on a Windows or Mac Host. Note: If your browser shows a load of text on either of those links, you need to right click Save As. Installing a custom DLNA XML Profile on Windows for Plex Media Server To install a custom profile on Windows simply browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Plex\Plex Media Server\Resources\Profiles The profiles folder will likely exist, and contain profiles for many different devices. If not however simply right click and create a new folder called “Profiles” in the resources folder. After that all you need to do is copy the Xbox One profile in to this folder, as is demonstrated in the screenshot below: You should re start the Plex Media Server just to ensure the new profile is picked up, to do this simply right click on the system tray icon for Plex Media Server and select exit After that you simply want to load the media server again and you will be good to go. Installing a custom DLNA XML Profile on Mac for Plex Media Server This will require accessing hidden folders, the easiest way to do this is to right click the Finder icon on the dock and selecting Go to Folder. You can then copy and paste the below: ~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Profiles If this doesn't work for you, remove /Profiles off the end and try again, it could be that the Profiles folder doesn't exist yet. If that's the case, you will need to make it like so: Once done, place the XML file in like so and restart your Plex Media Server and you are good to go! Sending content from your Plex Server to the Xbox One (Using your PC, iOS, or Android device as a DLNA Controller) So now your Plex Server is ready to transcode media correctly for your Xbox One, it's time to get that content playing. Sadly for some reason Microsoft haven't yet made a DLNA Browser for the Xbox One like the Xbox 360 but the device is capable of playing DLNA content, so you will need a device to act as a 'middle-man' and browse the content on your Plex Library, then send the play command to your Xbox One. This can be either a PC, or a mobile device (much like many people use iOS devices and AirPlay to AppleTV's) Please note before you continue, you need to have Xbox Video installed and up to date on your Xbox One, download the application from the Xbox Store if you haven't got it, and if you have open it while connected to Xbox Live just to make sure it's the latest version. Using an iOS Device (iPhone, iPad) as a DLNA controller to send content to the Xbox One To use an iPhone or iPad to send control to the Xbox One couldn't be easier, and also functions as a great remote control. To get started you will need to download an app called iMediaShare (don't worry, it's free!) iTunes Store - iMediaShare Personal Once installed, make sure your iPhone is on WiFi and the same network as your Xbox One then fire up the App. Once it's loaded, simple follow these simple steps to get content on your Xbox One: Select Local Network on the homescreen of the iMediaShare application: Next, select your Plex Server as the source: Browse the content you wish to play, be it Movies or TV Shows, then select the episode you wish to play on your Xbox One: Once you found it, click on it and you will be presented with the 'Choose a Screen' option: Select your Xbox One and it will begin playback, while it's playing you can also fully control the playback on your iPhone: All Done, you can now sit back and enjoy your Plex content on the big screen, while having a handy remote in your hand. Using an Android Device (Phone or Tablet) as a DLNA controller to send content to the Xbox One To use an Android device to send control to the Xbox One couldn't be easier, and also functions as a great remote control. To get started you will need to download an app called BubbleUPNP (don't worry, it's free!) Google Play Store - BubbleUPnP (Chromecast/DLNA) Once installed, make sure your Android device is on WiFi and the same network as your Xbox One then fire up the App. Once it's loaded, simple follow these simple steps to get content on your Xbox One. First you must select the Renderer as the Xbox One console you wish to play media to, then select the library as your Plex Media Server, as can be seen below: Once this has been done you can view all the content available on your Plex media server directly on your phone, when you find something you wish to play on the Xbox One, simply press on it and the content will start to play on your console. When playing, you can control the playback on your Phone just like on the Xbox One making an excellent controller: Troubleshooting: If you have trouble playing content you might need to go in the apps settings and disable Mime-type check, all been well that should allow the Xbox One to then play content. Using a Windows Phone as a DLNA controller to send content to the Xbox One Sadly, we don't have any Windows Phone users available at the moment to test this, however from reading various sources on the internet I've been told this app can achieve similar results as the iOS / Android one's, it may be worth a try if you are using a Windows Phone: Windows Phone Store - Smart Player Please do let us know in a reply if this works for you! Using a Windows PC as a DLNA controller to send content to the Xbox One To get the content playing here, you will need your PC and Xbox One to be on the same local network. Also no firewall can be blocking local network discovery, if you're using Windows Firewall (by default) then it's a simple case of making sure your network is set to Private (Home or Work) and not Public where network discovery is turned off. Next, click on My Computer and you should find your Plex Server as a Network Location like below. If it is not appearing then make sure UPnP isn't turned off in your Plex Server. Click onto it and browse to the content you wish to play, playlists like Recently Added, Recently Viewed etc are all usable on the UPnP interface. Once you have found the content you wish to play, simple right click and select Play To and select Xbox-SystemOS (Unless you have renamed it in the Xbox Settings, in which case select whatever one is your Xbox One) Success, your Xbox One should now begin playing the content you sent to it. You can control playback on either the Xbox One itself, or via the little remote interface that would have loaded up on your PC. Thanks for reading this guide! Special thanks to Digiex member's Insanenutter and xzKinGzxBuRnzx for helping with all the various formats, I only had a Mac Server and iOS client so relied on them for Windows and Android parts! Hopefully you are now all sorted and set and using your Xbox One for Plex playback. If you have any questions, or feedback just hit us up in a reply below and we will get back to you
Windows Phone - works! Smart Player works like a charm on Windows Phone to play things to the XBox One from a Plex Media Server. The only thing I found as a potential problem is that some of my media wasn't encoded in a format that the XBox One could play. In that case, the XBox One gets displayed "greyed out" in the list of devices to play to in Smart Player. When I tried playing media that the XBox One was able to play, the device got displayed "normally" in the list of devices to play to in Smart Player. One thing I did not know is that once Smart Player has facilitated the connection between Plex and XBox, Smart Player is no longer needed for controlling playback. It can be shut down completely, and the XBox will be able to pause, play, etc.