I know I haven't been on for a while but, I need to do this survey project for school, and I need about 50 answers. I appreciate if you can answer these 2 questions/one big one. Oh and if anyone knows how make this a real survey please tell me, cause I know I am going to get some bad answers. 1.What do you like better Xbox 360 or PS3? A. Xbox 360 B. PS3 C. Both 2. You chose this console or consoles for what reason? A. Controllers B. Online Service C. Price D. Graphics E. Games F. Other_______ Edit:Thanks here is the official survey link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/X8V5CH7
1: A 2: A, B, E (if i can only choose one put me down for E) Survey Monkey is what you want to create a proper survey, you can ask 10 questions and have 100 people take the survey on the free package, used it myself a couple of times in the past.