Teenage Kid Slays Widow During A Drunken Rampage A schizophrenic teenager killed a grandmother with an axe during his drunken rampage after he lost at computer games. After drinking a bottle of vodka, 17-year-old James Callaghan stormed out of his house armed witha knife and an axe. He threatened to attack two girls, struck a passer-by on the head with the axe, terrified a cyclist and tried to smash his way into a couple's home. By the time the police arrived, he had already forced his way into Irene Roberton's home and killed the 65-year-old widow. Callaghan did not know his victim. He had struck her 6 times in the head with the axe, cut off a finger, and stabbed her in the back, stomach, and leg. Callaghan, now 18, admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility and unlawful wounding. He was sent indefinitely to a high security mental hospital. He had apparently written a message on a mirror in the widow's house apoligizing to his mother saying he had not intended to kill an old woman. He has been diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and told doctors that he has been hearing voices in his head telling him to kill for some time now. He had been drinking heavily to cope with the voices. Hours before the rampage, Callaghan lost 3 games in a row of FIFA 08 while playng with his brother and a friend. He had also been playing Grand Theft Auto. His friends had known him to be violent after drinking alcohol. As a 6-year-old child, he apparently threatend his mother with a knife. His case is being defended by the fact that he is mentally unstable and was not conscious of what he was doing. Source
That guy he has NO LIFE. I mean being a spoiled guinea pig. Did you know that I've been like this since high-school? When those idiots bully me after I lose some games until i've gone hysterical. Then last year when my 360 went RROD, I was angry till i've been arguing with my parents FOR NOTHING. OH GOD! What am I thinking? Me Muslim shouldn't been like this from now on.
In some ways I feel sorry for the guy because he’s not very well mentally and now he’s messed his life up and that of many others. I’m guessing he is on medication so he really shouldn’t be drinking though. Horrible news
Horrible news indeed. I believe I remember reading that he was in fact on medication but stopped taking them for a while.
Horrible for the guy, horrible for the local people involved, and horrible for the gaming industry. As governments usually blame the games while they should blame the problems caused by alcohol and the quality of mental help/advice. Just remember that mentally unstable people aren't 'evil' by those means..