Looking for a nice and complete blocklist for Transmission or Deluge can be a pain, especially if you’re not sure of which one to pick. In fact there are a ton of lists all for different purposes and no one will give you complete bad-peer protection since one will shield your client from spammers, one from the US Government [really?] and no one from all those things combined. Luckily, a user created a GitHub project which combines all those iBlocklist lists in to a single one and he hosted the result here: Code: http://john.bitsurge.net/public/biglist.p2p.gz Just put it in your client, and you are good to go !
hi there. Thanks for the useful thread. But I am missing something important in Delunge I checked in preferences/plugin/Blocklist / apply Where should I copy the biglist.p2p.gz file and/or copy the above url? thanks in advance
You dont actually need to download the above file, simply copy and paste the URL so your torrent client will use it and keep updating from that URL.
got it The correct path is 1) preferences / plugins --> check "blocklist" --> apply --> ok 2) NOW the blocklist option appears in the preference tab. 3) copy the url of interest and wait for the list to be uploaded Still, there is something strange when copying "john.bitsurge.net/public/biglist.p2p.gz" in both my desktop and laptop. No prob in the desktop. Not working (meaning it keep trying to download the list) in the laptop. I then tried the list available in list.iblocklist.com and the laptop succeed. That's curious indeed. *-)