To be honest I dont like the idea of forcing players into Cityworld and banning villages, as Atlantis first started of as a village wich turned out pretty good, to become one of the main citys. I know that City World have had problems lately with getting people to join a city, especially when Mykenai/Orion or whatever its called started to get rebuilt. But we are taking away the purpose of freebuild when we disallow villages to be built. Players should be allowed to do pretty much what they want in Freebuild/Wilderness (Not griefing ofcourse) so instead of removing villages I suggest all the city "managers" open a skype convo and start to discuss on how to solve this problem. I know villages were banned from start wich I also disliked. But how about we take back districts? People can buy districts if they wish and those who already own a village gets a district for free, and voila everybody is happy? I hope, It would also bring more people into the cityworld and we could have special district trains. (Districts would not get warps) its just a example. How ever I do not think players will be happy by banning villages. So please, we have to reconsider this... please...
I must agree with alle, Freebuild should not be limited like this. However the destrict idea sounds good.
I think there is a definition problem when it comes to Villages. We are not against the removal of people building togeather in Freebuild because thats what its for. what we are against is where people have pushed it to far, made 'unofficial' cities in Freebuild and keep inviting new players to come in and move in, Players they arent related to. Why is this bad? It destroys the economy. If I'm a new player and I can build a massive stupidely sized plot for free, or pay using coins for a small plot, I know what I'd pick. You basically can't have both, either the economy, market place and plots is enforced, or people can do as they please in freebuild. And lets get this set, when people setup in villages, they were told months ago not to invite new people, they ignored that. They were told it was temporary and didnt object then. Now the mass move request with a month has started, people are suddenly crying about it. Ok I do agree destroying peoples work is out of the question, and Skeven may need to revise that. But we can't let people use Freebuild to destroy the server economy, and thats a fact. While they may enjoy it, its things like economy and cities which have kept our long term players in. Long term players are more important than some short term people complaining. While this issue could have been handled better, I also must put out that King and some of the other players against this (not alle) have know of this for months and never objected an opionon, I think to ignore debating it, then slam against it when its approved is bad and makes us look weak. If you want to voice your opionon, it should be included during the debate period and not after the debate has happened and verdict is announced. I think overall this process is going to happen, people building togeather as groups/friends should be able to stay, but they must keep there hands off new players because otherwise the economy is going to go to shit. And not only that, new players who don't know about the twice a year purge of Freebuild will be well pissed when there items goes missing, wheres at least if they have a small plot in City World for item storage, there items will be safe. No one is stopping them having a plot in City World to protect there stuff, then running off to freebuild to build whatever, that is the purpose of city world. So let me be clear, this is not against people building houses in Freebuild, or building next to eachother or with friends. Thats allowed and more than welcomed. Its against people giving them city names, trying to open shops in them, trying to charge for plots or police them (As you cant police people in Freebuild) and inviting new players in and pushing them away from the server cities. Now I'm going to open this for debate, and I'd appreicate if people could give feedback, but it has to be well mannered, and they have to take into account economy, new players etc and show how they will look into the problem.
Depends on who you ask, a good majority of our long-term players are for it. It's pretty much you and a handful of the newer members that are against it. The problem is it's either we have a CityWorld or we have villages in MainWorld. It's not something we can really compromise on without it becoming a confusing mess of rules and regulations that will always end up with the CityWorld players getting screwed and THAT is something I don't want to happen. I was going more of the route of region locking so none of them could build there, but in the post I said wiped off the map so they wouldn't try to risk it, as regions are a rather valuable resource... or //replace 0 7. There are many options to lock the area while still preserving it until things are sorted out between the villages and cities. Anyhow, the reason I put up the topic and all is because this was going to be done sooner or later and we wanted to stop it sooner so the problem didn't grow worse. Besides, I get the flack for it because you guys can tell all those players that I'm enforcing it -- a handful were cooperative, but they hate me already so it's no damage done.
Just thought I'd add to this, from this debate and many conversations between Admins, the announcement was updated and much more relaxed, giving more room for people who want to roleplay with friends in freebuild, and ensuring this action only targets people who go out of there way to damage the cities.
The idea for districts would be good. So players maybe up to 5 pay a certain amount of coins and they have an area say 50x50 to build a small town and the towns and the districts branch off from the main city area and there could be different districts such as hills, mountains, flat and water? Just and idea.