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The Speculative Invoicing Handbook Second Edition Ebook Download [PDF]

Discussion in 'Misc' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    In short, speculative invoicing (also known as ‘volume litigation’ and ‘pay-up-or-else’) involves
    a firm sending large volumes of letters. Each letter contains a demand for cash, accompanied by
    an allegation that the letter-writer’s copyright has been infringed. The monetary demand is
    usually presented as a settlement which is, they say, at an appropriate level to make good the
    potential losses incurred by the copyright owner. The letter will threaten the recipient with
    court action and potentially massive costs should they not accede to the request to settle
    swiftly at the level stated.

    There are a few universal features to these letters:

    • they are almost always sent to a person that has not infringed the copyright

    • the settlement figure proposed is almost always ludicrous (typically ten times higher
    than might be expected had an infringement of copyright actually taken place)

    • there will be a COMPLETE lack of any evidence to support an accusation of copyright
    infringement against the letter recipient

    • they feature a heavy preponderance of ‘doublespeak’ (for example, letters will appear to
    state a strong likelihood of impending court action and high costs should the recipient
    not settle, but in fact such claims are carefully stated using terms which disguise the
    remote possibility of such an event taking place; viz, ‘in the event that it becomes
    necessary’ ‘it may become necessary’ ‘consequences against you could follow’)
    The letters rely partially on a recipient’s naivety of law, but mostly on fear. They are wholly
    unpleasant as, one could logically conclude, must be the people who choose to send them.

    It’s believed that the first edition of this superb publication enabled thousands of innocent account holders to avoid paying settlements to the infamous ACS:Law, eventually resulting in that company’s collapse and the bankruptcy of its operator.

    Read this free Ebook and don't become a victim of Speculative Invoicing

    Download: The Speculative Invoicing Handbook Second Edition Ebook

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    HCL., Trebor and Rick like this.

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