Does this site archive supplementary material to games, like Xbox 360 avatars or premium themes? Can they even be archived? I know most of them suck anyway, and that games and dlc are (and should be) priority #1, but it would be a shame to have them lost forever when the time comes.
Me and my friend have dumped all the avatar items and made them available for download,!rQA2hBzQ!I3N8_zgDbp9cz9yr9XK8iw And you will need this password: JtagPabb1e& there is 25,000 avatar items right there. i do not yet know how to get all the profile pictures and premium themes. To InsaneNutter, you are more then welcome to host these here, but i think you cannot host them publicly here. Because the obvious reasons
hey bro i dont know yor are still active or not , just wanted to ask that you another link to this file as files are already being deleted by mega from this link