[Tip] Having trouble connecting to Vita's Content Manager (NW-10743-5)

Discussion in 'Computer and Technology Discussion' started by Rockman, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. Rockman

    Rockman Godlike

    May 29, 2011
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    Today as I was transferring PSP games via the PC Content Manager I came across this issue that the PSTV (Home Console version of Vita) wasn't connecting to it and it was because the proxy IP had changed.

    As such, I ran Vitablocker, changed the number (.97 to .98) that was needed on the PSTV LAN proxy and bam it was working perfectly again. I noticed people had this issue too and since I didn't find a quick solution figured I'd post it in case someone ever needs a quick fix.

    Vitablocker - https://github.com/iAmGhost/VitaUpdateBlocker/
    CMA - Content Manager Assistant for PlayStation®

    Note: Content Manager Assistant on PC can also transfer images and music to your Vita/PSTV, though, I think most know it by now.

    Attached Files:

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