Hey all, I'm having huge issues with torrents recently. Torrents with good health and a good amount of seeders are getting me down speeds of around 50kb/s to 100kb/s when my Internet speed it is (According to my latest speed test from speedtest.net) my down speed is 58mb/s. Obviously I don't expect that kind of speed on a torrent but 100kb/s is ridiculous. Can anyone think of a reason why?
Well it depends on the download location. If your torrent for example is seeded by people from remote places then you won't get a good download speed. If that's not the case, then maybe your internet provider could've changed some settings, say one of the DNS servers, and that's why that could happen. Also many ISP's can possibly block some ip adresses (usually for pirating, etc), or it could be something with connection settings on your pc, maybe another application is using your internet speed. With that much detail from you it is almost impossible to give a specific solution. It may be even something that i haven't mentioned.
Setup your computer on a static ip then set a port to be open on your router, configure your torrent client to the same port.
Modern routers today can do ip address reservation, which binds their pc to a specific router ip adress based on MAC address, so you don't have to do anything on your pc. Then you open ports as you usually do. If he is lucky of course.
I notice your ISP is Virgin Media (same as me), Virgin throttle p2p traffic such as torrents / newsgroups in peak times. Recently Virgin has also changed what is classified as "peak times": Monday to Friday: 16:00-23:00 Saturday and Sunday: 11:00-23:00 So basically any time when you are likely to be at home Virgin will throttle your connection, You can read more about this here: Virgin 30Mb or higher Some things you can do however, enable protocol encryption and don't allow legacy connections: Enable UPNP port mapping (allows utorrent to open the port in your router) and if you randomise the port that can also help as your not mass downloading on the same port all the time. With the above settings i have no problem maxing out my connection with well seeded torrents. If i think on ill try download something this evening and see if i still get full speed in peak times, its been a long time since i downloaded a torrent.
Hey Nutter... i just did as u said now coz ive been having the same issue but now my upload speed has increased and download speed staying low?
You are probably uploading at your max upload speed, which will slow your downloads right down, at the most you want to upload at 75% of your total upload speed. So for example if you know the max you can upload at is 100KB, limit this to 75KB, or even a bit lower.
try changing max number of connections in the bandwith tab on utorrent ect like so 500/500 with 30 works well for me
So I joined a forum here in S.A, thats run by my ISP wer they answers questions like mine... turns out o was just being throttled heavily for my P2P downloads. So I fiddled with my port settings and changed to something in the 9000's and im back to my normal speed again.... according to the ISP, they changdd priority on all P2P downloads to nearly non existent for this week and part of next week because of some major windows updates, they made that priority downloads until then.... Crazy!
Create a furk.net account by using following furk invite code: B0ZK8OXCG , CZ414JXMH, VSLGYIRI7, DPD5YJMLK, 8L4S52H28 and download torrent in full speed.