Total Annihilation download help

Discussion in 'Computer and Gadget Help Center' started by John R, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. John R

    John R Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Newport Beach, California
    Hopefully someone may help me with a download. I downloaded Total Annihilation per the Digiex instructions. I have used several programs to open the rar files and each time I get a Bin file that I do not know what to do with. I have opened the rar files with the following programs. Winrar, 7zip, Bister. and they all extract the rar files into a bin format. Simply put I am trying to download and use Total Annihilation game listed on this site. I have little experience with rar files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The bin / cue files are images of the original discs, you can either burn them to a CDR with ImgBurn, you can download it from the tutorial here or install Daemon Tools which will allow you to mount the images on a fake CD drive without having to burn them.

    If you install Daemon Tools read what the installer says and don't install the optional toolbars and such.

    After you have burned or mounted the images you can install the games like you normally would.
    John R likes this.
  3. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    Did you get this working? The game really is an Amazing classic that all PC gamers should play at some point (if you are in to RTS games) :)
    John R likes this.
  4. John R

    John R Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Newport Beach, California
    Bin file Downloads

    Thank you for the response to my question, I just got in from my Engineering endeavors in the real world, opened my computer and went straight to Digiex to find this reply! It is 6:14pm California time and tomorrow I will download the programs you listed and attempt to create the CD. Again, Thank you for your prompt reply to my request.
  5. John R

    John R Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Newport Beach, California
    To Master Chief, Thanks for the inquiry to my request, Tomorrow I will attempt to download and the create the CD per InsaneNutter's directions. I use to own this wonderful game with hours of game time invested in it. I cannot wait to get it working as I need this game therapy!
  6. John R

    John R Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Newport Beach, California
    I used the program that you suggested IMGBurn and yes it did something, now I have the sane bin files on the cd and it still says that windows cannot open these files, it seems that all I did was to transfer the Bin files to the CD? I am an Degreed Engineer but with this stuff I feel completely ignorant! I do believe that I have followed all of your advice but must be doing something wrong! I started with the downlosd from Digiex and then changed thoes RaR files to bin files using Winrar, 7zip, Bister. and they all extract the rar files into a bin format. I then downloaded the IMGBurn program to which I converted them and sent them to the CDR. I would love t play this game again, but find myself ignorant to these downloads? I do wish someone would be able to send me working copies of this program as I would surely pay for shipping! I have missed playing this game and hopefully will be able to do so again! Thanking you in advance for any help with my endeavors. Sincerely, John R
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If you go to Computer (or my computer depending on your version of windows) what do you see on the CD you burned Total Annihilation to?

    The actual bin / cue file or all the files needed to install the game?

    In image burn you want to select write image file to disc, then select the .cue file and burn it to disc. When you put that disc in your computer it should be an exact copy of the original then.
  8. John R

    John R Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Newport Beach, California
    When I open the CD in My Computer it has the following files: Total Annihilation BIN File CF1.bin and Total Annihilation CD1.cue. Thanks for you prompt reply. I just finished doing what you had mentioned earlier, I opened Image Burn picked the select write image file to disc, then selected the .cue file and I burned it to disc.When I opened the CD in my computer, still a Cue file????
  9. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Download Daemon Tools Lite (make sure you are downloading Lite and not a Pro Trial), as Insanenutter said say no the the optional toolbar when asked. Use WinRAR or a similar unRARing program. After you have both of these programs then unRAR Total Annihilation. (You can unRAR it where ever you like, I just chose the Desktop.)

    After that and have Daemon Tools Lite installed find Daemon Tools on the toolbar. Click on it, it will say "Device 0: No Media" Click on that, which will take you to another screen. Then find where ever you unRARed the bin and cue files.

    As soon as you put Total Annihilation CD into Daemon Tools you should get prompted with this screen. (Unless you have automatic things like this off, if you do then just click on My Computer and then Total Annihilation.)

    Then run the installer. If/when prompted for disc 2 then click on Daemon Tools Lite on the Toolbar. It should say Device 0: Total Annhilation Disc 1, click on that and then click on disc 2.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions just ask.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  10. John R

    John R Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Newport Beach, California
    Thanks to Dark Scyth for your response to my endeavors! I have discovered what was wrong with the Imageburn program that I was using, In a line from Insane Nutters help; The bin / cue files are images of the original discs, you can either burn them to a CDR with ImgBurn, you can download it from the tutorial here or install Daemon Tools which will allow you to mount the images on a fake CD drive without having to burn them. (In the tutorial it shows picking the "Write files/folders to disc" but should show "Write Image/file to disc.") I picked up this from a latter quote from Insane Nutter's reply to me; He said "In image burn you want to select "write image file to disc!" Once I used that selection I was on my way to a successful game playing experience! With everyons help and allot of patients from you all I have reached Total Annihilation game joy! In fact I was up last night playing till 3am! I feel like a kid again with a new toy! I cannot thank you all for your help in getting my Inner kid back out and enjoying this game!!!!! Again Thank You all for your help. I thought I remembered how fun this game was, but now that I am playing it again, it just seems better! I guess better with age is apropos for this situation! Sincerely, John R.
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Glad you got it working in the end, I really did love this game many years ago... i should install it and play it again, must have been about 10 years since I last played it.
  12. John R

    John R Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Newport Beach, California
    To Insane Nutter, Good to be back on this site, good reading etc. I have a question regarding my attempted repair of one of my TA discs. I downloaded the Core Contingency disc and what I am getting is a ISO file. I forgot what to do with this download. Last time I got a rar file that I converted to a bin file, then I burned the bin file onto a disc with Imgburn.
    I cannot believe that I am even having to ask this question again but I do not remember get this ISO file when I download from the internet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    This time when I get it figured out I will surely write it down. Tanks again, Best Regards, John Rollins
  13. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You can use ImgBurn to burn the ISO file to a disc, when you do this you are burning the contents of the ISO file to the disc (the files for the game) and not the ISO file its self.

    We have a great tutorial on how to do this with the freeware application ImgBurn, see: How to burn BIN, CUE, DI, DVD, GI, IMG, ISO, MDS, NRG and PDI images to disc

    If you dont want to burn it to a disc look at Dark Scyth's previous post in this thread (here), he explained how the ISO can be loaded on a Virtual (fake) CD drive using Daemon Tools.

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