This began as me trying to get help with my processor, as it is bogging down my computer and showing a pattern in doing so... BUT this happens every time I try to post it. Sorry, your post was denied because you are posting links to megaupload and/or other download sites which are typically used by spambots when posting illegal content or malicious files. Please re-submit your post without the URL's by using your browsers back button. THERE WERE NO LINKS! Just a list of my running programs and an explanation of the problem. Enlighten me, this board has been a disappointment from the start for me.
We have a list of blocked words that are used by spam bots to post warez e.g., once you hit a certain amount of posts you are not moderated any more. I cant honestly think what word you have typed to get your post rejected, i've removed a few words so see if you can post now. If not message me your post and i will post it up for you, i can see why you are annoyed, however we dont generally have any problems with this. The occasional problem is better than having a forum that gets spammed with warez, porn and viruses i'm sure you will agree.