Using an Xbox Live profile on a Jtagged / RGH hacked Xbox 360 and staying safe

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. iTinyToes

    iTinyToes Member

    Oct 13, 2017
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    Alright, thanks for the fast replies :)
  2. iTinyToes

    iTinyToes Member

    Oct 13, 2017
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    Btw, if you have the freestyle plugin enabled in the aurora it will still add data to the profile even if you sign in an offline profile, then switch to a live profile.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Plugins never seem to when I was messing about with testing years ago. I'd imagine it would be possible to design a plugin to do stuff to a profile, however the Freestyle one never seemed to do anything.

    I believe most of it comes from the Xbox seeing the homebrew app as a new game, so wants to add it as a played title to your profile. Some homebrew such as the Snes emulator do add achievements. Some stuff doesn't visibly show up but still makes changes to the profile.
    iTinyToes likes this.
  4. iTinyToes

    iTinyToes Member

    Oct 13, 2017
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    But when you hit the menu with the freestyle plugin it shows the temperatures and the litle menu on bottom with title id and disc, so that's like a homebrew in background, right?
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You might well have to do your own testing for that then if you want to be 100% sure. It would seem it's changed a lot since i last used Freestyle.

    I believe it's just a modification to the MS Dash so shouldn't do anything to your profile, as it's still the MS dash.
    iTinyToes likes this.
  6. Kuruh

    Kuruh New Member

    Feb 16, 2019
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    Hi, I'm dumb and have been using X360GameHack to patch all my games for years until recently what i was wondering is are all my old games Patched with X360GameHack safe to play on a LIVE enabled profile or would that be a no, I just recently found out Dashlaunch bypasses all the checks anyways and there is no need for X360GameHack anymore thanks.

  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The game should interact with your profile the same so you should be ok. You would be better using Dashlaunch though as you say, if your patching games you will have trouble using title updates.
    Kuruh likes this.
  8. Wakiry

    Wakiry New Member

    Mar 22, 2019
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    If i use Xex to load game or XBLA i just have to sign in with my GT after game is loaded ?

    And if i want to use DLCs how can i be safe using Xex with sign in after game is loaded ?
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes basically sign in once the game is loaded and be sure to sign out when you quit if you have any sort of custom dashboard running by default. DLC should be fine as long as its final content from Xbox Live and not some of the beta stuff thats gone around in the past.
    Wakiry likes this.
  10. Wakiry

    Wakiry New Member

    Mar 22, 2019
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    Thanks you
  11. Enceladus

    Enceladus New Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Hello all,
    I apologise for posting on a rather dead thread; however, I believe I cannot be the only one still playing around with a JTAG in 2020.

    My brother, upon learning that I'd owned a modified Xbox 360, asked if it were possible to use cheats (i.e. trainers) and earn achievements. Naturally, as a CS student I was curious and came upon this thread.

    Using essentially the same technique outlined by others earlier I cross-referenced a test profile in a hex editor (in my case, FlexHex).

    Using the launch title Gun and Fallout 3, I found that using a trainer makes absolutely no alterations to a profile.

    A quick rundown of what I did:
    • Signed into the game on a new profile (created on the modified Xbox)
    • Played the game for a short period
    • Signed out
    • Copied the profile to a PC, my control profile.
    • Then started the games again after initializing a trainer launcher using FSD's file manager.
    • Signed into the profile in-game.
    • Activated the trainers and enabling all cheats
    • Played the game, again for a short period.
    • Signed out.
    • Moved to PC.
    • Compared my control profile to the one on the pen drive.
    • No difference.
    I did, amidst all that, also try a profile (that had most recently played the respective game) from another non-modified Xbox and the files did change immediately even just running the game through the original dashboard.
    I'm not familiar with what data is precisely stored in an Xbox profile and I can only guess may have something to do with the OS version or logging the serial number of all consoles that profiles has been on, or something.

    Someone who knows more than me on this could perhaps explain what is going on there.

    But running a trainer seems to make no difference, at least in my two tests.

    Side-note: If you decide to try this test yourself be careful which game you choose as some games (Halo, for example) alter data in the profile thereby rendering it pointless.

    I hope this helps someone.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Some great info @Enceladus always nice to see people still messing about with a Jtagged 360 in 2020 and doing their own research too.
  13. Bsled96

    Bsled96 New Member

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Does anyone know if just having a stealth server installed modifies the profile? I’d check for myself but I’m not really sure what I’d be looking for (sort of new to Hex editing and RGH stuff in general). I’ve been playing a game offline but I forgot my stealth server was enabled in the plugins (but wasn’t connected to the internet). Is this something that puts me at a significant risk?
  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Probably not if its just a dash launch plugin, however i could never be 100% on that. All it should be doing is running in the background allowing the Xbox to correctly respond to Microsoft's challenges when connected to Xbox Live. I personally wouldn't make a habit of doing that though if you care about your Xbox Live profile.
  15. Bsled96

    Bsled96 New Member

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Yeah I ended up checking myself with a fresh profile like you did. Made a fresh account on standard dash with no Stealth, and then compared it after logging in and doing nothing else with the stealth enabled (again no internet connection). The two files were different towards the end of the file. There was a 16 KB difference in size too. So yeah, gonna keep stealth completely off unless I need it.

    thanks for the quick response by the way!

    EDIT: side question, if I use my main account with no stealth offline for achievements, but use stealth with a dummy (with my main account removed from the console) is that going to significantly raise risk? Or should I just get a second RGH if I want to do stuff like that?
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You should be fine, I just kept my main profile on a usb stick so could move it between my Jtag and my live console as needed.

    My Jtag has never been online, I mainly used it for some JPN games I wished to play or system link co-op with a friend.

    Keep your Jtag / RGH as stock as possible, disable any plugins and sign in when the game has loaded to be as safe as possible. My live profile has been fine for the last 10 years doing this.
  17. chilled_druese

    chilled_druese New Member

    Dec 18, 2022
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    Hello everyone,
    sorry for digging up this old thread but as of now it still seems to be the only detailed thread about this topic anywhere and it has been repeatedly linked on other sites.
    I recently bought my first RGH, so I am quite new to Xbox modding. Still, I've made some interesting discoveries while trying to sync my trophies earned on an RGH via a stock Xbox 360.

    First, I tried playing the Orange Box on both of my 360s with a newly created account to see if the accounts match afterwards (I used the Hex Editor shown in the first post.). They unsurprisingly did match, so i thought I was safe to play other games on my RGH and then sync the trophies via my stock 360.
    When I first used my Xbox Live account however something strange happened. The trophies synced normally and my profile was updated. But after logging in again after a few days Microsoft asked me to update my security info in order to be able to login again. I did and I could log in again. Still, I was a little scared by that message, so I decided to create a dummy Live-Account, play some games and sync the trophies again. At first, everything worked fine but after two days my account received a compliance lock for violating the TOS. I could unlock the account by typing in a security code received via SMS, but it made me kind of paranoid afterwards.
    Both accounts had only been used to view achievements on the standard dashboard and in game (logged in after launching a game via Xex Menu and logged out before quitting to the dashboard) but Microsoft still seemed to notice something.

    tl;dr I received a compliance lock after syncing my RGH via a stock 360 trophies even though I had never been logged in while using homebrew. Has anyone ever had a similar experience?
    I hope not.
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    How do you transfer the profile between the two consoles?

    Hard to say, but a few possible thing you can try rule out:
    • Can you be sure all the games you have played are 100% retail and betas or modded in some way?
    • You might have possibly played a game beta or unreleased game, especially if you have been downloading XBLA games. You really do not want to be doing this on any Xbox Live profile.
    • Is the RGH banned from Xbox Live? if so it would be possible for Microsoft to see your profile had been used on a banned console (I can't honestly say what if anything they do about this in 2022, i'm pretty sure they never bothered about it in the past)
    • Is your RGH 360 connected to your network? if so its probably talking to Microsoft about what its doing.
    • Have you messed about with save games to unlock achievements?
    Try rule all the above out.
  19. chilled_druese

    chilled_druese New Member

    Dec 18, 2022
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    Thanks for the reply!
    I transfer my files via USB flash drive. Unfortunately, I had to format it as a storage device probably because the dashboard of my RGH hasn't been updated since 2014 and it won't recognize normal FAT 32 flash drives as opposed to my other Xbox 360.

    As for the other things, I can rule out at least a few of them:
    • My games have been ripped from ISOs. I also compared some of them with ISOs on the net and couldn't find a difference.
    • All games have been retail versions.
    • The console doesn't seem to be banned. I can't go online to check but all the profiles I used on it don't show up as corrupted data on my stock 360.
    • It is not connected to the net.
    • All the achievements are legit. I Played 10-15 Mins. of Quake 4, Saints Row and Kane & Lynch to earn some easy achievements for the purpose of this test.
    Maybe the lock happened due to the Xbox-Live account being new and pretty much unused except for the syncing of the trophies? Or is is possible that the pretty old dashboard is to blame for the trouble?
    I've also noticed that any Live profile I've used on my RGH takes very long to connect to Xbox Live on my other Xbox. Sometimes it won't connect at all until I reboot it.
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I can't see what the issue would be based on what you have said.

    My Xbox Live account was created in 2005 and i've swapped it between consoles for years not without issue. I know if i don't use the 360 for a while I usually have to log in again as security has improved a lot over recent years. If its a new Microsoft account also they pretty much force you to enable 2FA now, which I suspect is what happened when you had to update your security info. That I have seen before on older accounts that have not been active for a while.

    I've never personally had a compliance lock, which to be honest I suspect was caused by something else, not playing retail games offline on a Jtag / RGH. The 360 was designed to work offline, so theirs not real way for Microsoft to know that profile has been in a modified console, unless some homebrew app / tool or beta game was loaded with that profile signed in.

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