Using an Xbox Live profile on a Jtagged / RGH hacked Xbox 360 and staying safe

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I don't know if using a trainer will add any sort of info to your profile, that would depends on the trainer.

    The safest advice i can give you is that if you value your profile dont cheat, that's what Microsoft like to reset peoples gamer score for. If your using trainers to unlock achievements you might unlock them before you should if you progress in the game normally. Your stats in some games might not be obtainable without the use of cheats, easily flagging up that you have cheated which could easily be noticeable when there synced back to live. e.g. XP in Halo 4.

    You clearly care about your profile, so i simply just would not cheat / use trainers on it.

    I personally use offline profiles for messing about on.
  2. ni7ewing

    ni7ewing New Member

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Thanks Nutter, I've set a goal for myself of reaching 100,000 gamerscore and so far I've made it to 79,400 completely legit. The last bit is becoming trying so I was thinking about it.....every once in a while it's best to get a kick in the pants to keep the ship on course.

    I'd lose my mind if i lost all that work.

    Thanks for the advice.
  3. hekky

    hekky Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    Hello again,

    do you know if there are some problems if i remove the internal hd and install another not microsoft official one?

    Perhaps i will install internal HD with 1Tb of capacity

    Could my profile be banned?

    Thanks a lot
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
  5. hekky

    hekky Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    Thank you for your answer. I have read your tutorial and I have the following question:

    You are talking about replacing a 2.5" hard disk but i have a 3.5" hard drive. Does it matter?

    I will remove the dvd rom player and will install the hard disk.

  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
  7. hekky

    hekky Member

    Sep 4, 2013
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    Thanks again for your info!!
  8. Mooses

    Mooses New Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    This has really helped me, I have a couple questions.

    I have been using the method of never using homebrew while on my live account, but i accidently was signed into xexmenu while on my profile. I know this alters data, but has anyone ever been banned for this alone? Do you think i will be ok?

    Also would I be able to post this thread on another website, as I feel it is valuable info. All credit will be given to both you individually and the website, it would really help others out, thank you.
  9. Incoming Avatar

    Incoming Avatar Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    You will be fine it happens to all of us i have signed in my profile [ONLINE but i was offline it was the profile i use online] not banned but DO NOT GO ON XEX MENU While online on your RGH
  10. Mooses

    Mooses New Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    I hope so, I don't want to lose my 100k gamerscore.
  11. Incoming Avatar

    Incoming Avatar Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    Well MS might look at you because of that big gamerscore but ehh
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Well if you value it that much delete the profile, and re download it from Xbox Live on your legit console. You might not get banned now, however it's always a possibility in the future.
  13. Mooses

    Mooses New Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    I already connected it to live, so it's not an option.

    But if you had to guess, do you think I'll be ok? Also, is there anything i could delete from my profile like a certain gpd, that would remove some or all of the traces that xexmenu left?

    I really appreciate all the help by the way.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2013
  14. ShuaBlue

    ShuaBlue New Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Hello Insane Nutter.

    First let me say thank you for your post. I have been reading through it for a few weeks and I decided to run some tests of my own to verify the profile would not change since I really would like to use the glitch side of my dual nand for my single player games so I don't have to burn the discs and play them on the retail side. However I am using FSD 3 and I do not plan on trying to load up retail dash because I just love FSD. So I started running my own tests with the profiles, the Full Auto game, and the hex editor comparison to see if the data would not change when loading the game then signing in with my xbox live profile. I tested this on a local test profile in a usb stick.

    In my testing I found that I am not able to get the same result as you do when both profiles say "matched" in the hex editor. I even tried not going into the glitch side of the nand and pulling a copy of the same test profile, 2 different times from the retail side after playing Full Auto for just a few seconds. For both runs, (on ONLY the retail side of the nand), I signed in with the test profile, loaded up Full Auto, began the game. Then I turned off the console, removed the usb drive and copied the profile to my computer. For the second run I did the same again, and only on the retail nand. This was to be my "control" test. It still showed that there were differences in the files when there shouldn't be because profile was never signed into any homebrew because it never went on the glitch side, and the game Full Auto is not supposed to change any profile information.

    I am on the latest dash of (16537) on both sides of the nand, and the latest FSD rev 775 with dashlaunch 3.10

    Any thoughts? Am I missing something in my testing?

    Any info you can offer is greatly appreciated. And thank you so much for helping the community with these ideas.
  15. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You need to sign in on your retail nand, create the profile, load Full Auto, then sign out, don't just turn the console off.
    After that make a copy of your profile once the Full Auto data has been added, that will become your test profile to compare to.

    With the copy of the profile still on your memory stick sign in again, load full auto, sign out, then take another copy from the usb stick, that should totally match the first copy you took.

    If you are playing Full Auto, copying that profile to your computer, then doing the same with a totally different profile nothing will match.

    All you can do is sign in your profile when the game has loaded, and sign out before you quit the game then. You will probably soon find it becomes a major pain to use FSD with an Xbox Live profile. I personally wouldn't bother, however i know some people are happy to do that.
  16. ShuaBlue

    ShuaBlue New Member

    Nov 3, 2013
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    Thanks for the quick reply Insane Nutter.

    I went ahead and ran this test exactly as you said and I am still receiving mismatched results. I have followed your instructions completely, and only on the retail nand side so as not to put any variables into the mix. I created the profile, signed in, started Full Auto. Once Full Auto loaded (just got past the SEGA screen and waited for the title screen), I signed out. Returned to Dash board and removed memory stick. I copied the profile to my computer with Xbox 360 USB Storage Explorer. After that I stuck the memory stick back into the 360, signed in the profile, and started Full Auto again. One more time I waited until the title screen, then signed out, went back to the dashboard, and extracted the profile to my computer. Using HexWorkShop I compared the files and still have a number of mismatched and deleted files:

    Maybe this is something new with the new dash on the 360 (16537)? What was the last dash version that you tested this on? If it hasn't been tested on 16537, would it be possible for you to test it and let me know if you are seeing the same results?

    Again, thank you Insane Nutter for helping with this and sharing your findings.
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I have just done some testing with 16537, which is the latest at the time of posting.
    You are indeed correct, something has changed as I can no longer get the profiles to match the way I was telling you do it it.

    It appears when you are on the Microsoft Dashboard some information is changed on the profile, this might be to do with the fact you can get achievements for non gaming related activities now. E.g. pre ordering an Xbox One via the link on the Xbox 360 dashboard, i couldn't say why for sure I can only guess.

    You can still do the tests i have outlined though, you just need to avoid been signed in on the Microsoft Dashboard.

    E.g load Full Auto, press the guide button, create a new profile, selecting one of the default avatars and saving it to your storage device. You can then sign out of the profile before exiting to the dashboard or switching the console off.

    Make a copy of that profile, then load full auto again, and sign the profile in as the game is loading, sign out again and make another copy of the profile and you should find it is an exact match to the original. This should be the case no matter how Full Auto was loaded e.g. from Freestyle Dash. You just can not have the profile signed in on the dashboard before you load the game.

    I hope that helps anyway i can certainly confirm something has changed at some point over the last year or so. However if you do the above you can work around this and do your own testing too.

    With profile signed in on the Microsoft Dashboard:

    Profile not signed in on the Microsoft Dashboard:
  18. miretank

    miretank New Member

    Jun 26, 2014
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    Hey guys, new here. How are you doing?

    Been reading this topic and I have some questions:

    - Let's see if I got this straight: can I login to Live with RGH if I am NXE Dashboard and not the Freestyle/any other homebrew?

    I ask this because I am really interested in using Netflix on my 360, plus update my gamerscore. Most of my games are original (Disc based) and I RGH'ed it to get emulators and stuff. So I would really want to try Live.

    - Is it safe to do it nowadays? 2014 and such
    - What are the consequences of getting banned? I am an Xbox noob, so I don't really know. Does it brick the console or something?

    Thanks in advance, and sorry for bumping a '13 thread. :)
  19. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You cant log in to live, your RGH console will be banned instantly.

    The only way you will get on Xbox Live is using another Xbox, or with a dual nand setup (basically a stock nand and a hacked one for homebrew and stuff)

    If you get banned it did used to corrupt your profile / saves so they only worked on that console, and not another, along with disabling Windows Media Center on the console. I don't think either happens now though. (Don't quote me on that i dont have a banned console).
  20. Mr.Spider

    Mr.Spider New Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    im sorry this is late and if its a newbie question but I wanna know if im right from what I know is that its safe to connect to xbox live just not to use homebrew when signed in am I correct and I noticed this convo was a year ago so does it still apply to this very day or has it changed

    I would also like to add that I am thinking of getting an rgh xbox but I want to be able to connect to xbox live without paying for xbox stealth and I don't want to get caught the main reason I want an rgh xbox is for mods on games that MS wont care about like skyrim that's it I just want to know what can I do to not get caught

    someone plz reply
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2014

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