We're now officially back, and upgraded to Vbulletin 4. Now ready for Business.

Discussion in 'News and Article Submission' started by Nimrod, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    London, United Kingdom

    This is officially the last news post regarding the Vbulletin 4 upgrade, but just to confirm to you all we are now setup and ready once again for business. We have designed the visual theme to closely match up to our old theme, and set up all the content and extras like before.

    The usual Digiex stuff is now back up and running,
    the Arcade, Blogs, Guides and Download Center are back, just like before without much change. Oh, except for the Arcade scores are reset giving everyone a chance once again to get on the leaderboards (some of the old scores were too insane to even come in the top 100, making it quite a boring arcade), we do promise to give the arcade some more love over the coming weeks with some new games, something that we started to neglect on the old Digiex.

    But we also come with new features to improve the overall site. First of all, Facebook Integration throughout the site, you can now like threads on Digiex to share with your friends. You can now also sign up, and link existing accounts with Facebook, you can read more about it by clicking here: Facebook Connect Integration FAQ

    We also now offer the ability to all members of posting on the front page, we twicked the front page forum and called it News and Article Submission and gave everyone permission to now post threads in the forum. Any thread posted up there, pending admin approval, will hit the front page. Allowing you all to become news writers! :) More information is available in the following thread: How to submit a News Article

    While some more minor tweaks may happen in the background, Digiex is mostly now upgraded to Vbulletin 4, the package itself offers more features, a better thread and post editor, as well as support for videos, better attachment support and more. The Front page may go through some more small tweaks, but it is generally set up much how we want it to look, it just needs some fine tuning to ensure all the widgets on the side are useful, and that news appears a lot tidier.

    So thank you all for your support and understanding with the recent downtime, ugly looking default themes and broken parts of Digiex, we are now confident enough to continue with "business as usual" on Digiex once again :) As always, we are continuing to take in feedback in the feedback thread and at the same time, if you have any general questions about how to use this new system, please do post there :)

    Thank you all. :)

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