I am looking into getting a blu ray player but I am not sure which one to get, or what brand to get. I was looking into a few Samsung models because I am really happy with other Samsung products I own. I have been wanting to pick up a PS3, so maybe just use that as my blu ray player? Anyone have any ideas?
Personally, I say screw Blu Ray. It costs too much. You can spend 10-12 bucks for a regular DVD, instead of 20-25 for one Blu Ray movie. So yes I would say wait until you get a PS3.
If you get a standalone Blu-ray player make sure you get one that’s network upgradable, some Blu-ray discs have problems with certain players and need updates. You can also upgrade your player to support the latest Blu-ray profiles. See Wikipedia for more information about different profiles - Blu-ray Disc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Sony BDP-S350 looks to be a good player, its £150 in the UK which is almost half the price of a PS3. The BDP-S350 has an Ethernet connection so it can be connected to your home network to be upgraded and access BD Live Interactive Features.
I agree with you fully, i wont really waste money on a blu ray player, whats the point in all the interactive features anyway...???