I have a panasonic cf-25 toughbook computer from the 1990's. I am trying to startup floppy windows 95. What command do I type in after "A:\>" to startup windows 95? Thanks.
If you are trying to install Windows 95 from floppy i believe you just type setup and it will start the install procedure. Or to boot Windows installed on the C:\ drive from Dos type: C: cd Windows win Hope that helps, its been years since i've done that so i might not remember it exactly how its done.
So you are trying to install Windows 95 yes? If so you do have a Windows 95 install disc, and not a Windows 95 boot disk correct? A boot disc will only boot in to MS dos, an install disc will allow Windows 95 to be installed.
It's a STARTUP disc. That problubly why. Guess I will just have to ask a family member for the old credit card and hit up ebay or amazon for an install or boot.