Xbox One, however i personally think at this point neither of the next gen consoles have lived up to the hype.
I haven't purchased either, I don't know a thing about the PS4 yet. If I get a job and decide to buy one I'd do a little research but probably go with the Xbone. There's several games I want Dragon Age III, The Witcher 3, Risen 3, Ravens Cry & Halo 5. Those combined with the possibility of Crackdown 3, one of my all time favorite series. The fact that Crackdown 3 and Halo 5 are exclusives drives me towards it. I'll be looking out for Two Worlds III as well. My guess is I'll get both eventually, I bought a PS3 for Ni No Kuni and I wanna get GTA V on PS3 as well. Half the people I want to play with have it on PS3 and the other half on 360.
Neither. I've been playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl on my Wii U (the only current-gen console that's backwards compatible) and am 98% from finishing the Subspace Emissary (Story Mode) but those final 2% are kinda hard to acquire because it's about hiding all trophies/content. The game's awesome, highly addictive, tons of characters to choose from and the soundtrack is beautiful. I can't wait for Smash 4!
Xbox one, waiting for a few more good games to come soon hopefully. Can't see myself getting a PS4 for a few years yet. I got a PS3 about 3 years after my Xbox 360 just for it's exclusives (and the console was a more reasonable price as well).
Neither also, i got the Xbox One too on release day and feel i spent a whole lot of money, for something that does very little.