I have been browsing through the forums and found that nobody posts that much anymore. I've also noticed no one is online? why??? *-)
Cos at time of posting its 4am in Europe and most of us are from here Also the forum is used more like a content platform where people post guides/downloads
The Xbox 360 scene is also basically no more which is what a lot of people were here for, if / when the Xbox One is hacked for homebrew i'd expect to see more activity. Of course your most welcome to post new things we might not have here! We're working behind the scenes on a responsive version of Digiex which should work a lot better on tablets / mobiles, so the site is far from forgotten about!
Digiex has never been a massive forum, however was quite active in the Xbox 360 days and has a long history behind it. You can read all about the history of Digiex and even see photos of our very first server, which was under Nimrods bed all those years ago. View: The History of Digiex
That's quite interesting. I figured this site was started as a hobby but that history post shows what extremes had to be dealt with to make it happen.