Wii U 5.5.2 Version Spoof - EUR, USA and JPN Regions [Access Eshop]

Discussion in 'Nintendo Wii U Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 29, 2017.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You might want to spoof your Wii U firmware version to 5.5.2 (EUR, USA and JPN) to allow access to the Eshop. This is useful if you wish to purchase an exploitable DS virtual console game so you can hack it to install a permanent homebrew channel.

    Follow this tutorial at your own risk, you are making permanent changes to your Wii U system. It should be safe if you install the correct spoof for the region of the console.

    1. Download the Wii U 5.5.2 spoof files for your region, then extract the spoof files for your region to the install folder on your Wii U's SD card, inside the install folder should just be the files, no other folder:


    2. Download WUP Installer, this should be extracted to \wiiu\apps\wupinstaller on the Wii U's SD card

    3. Load Wii U WUP Installer from the Homebrew Launcher, this has to be done via the web browser exploit detailed here

    4. Let WUP installer do its thing, you are now spoofed to 5.5.2 so you can use NNU Patcher to spoof access to the Eshop

    Attached Files:

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