I’ve know about this game since your review and finally purchased it on Steam last weekend as it was only £4.25 I have to agree with you when you say it’s one of the best indie games out there, I’m stuck on about the 5/6th level but I’m still having a lot of fun with it. My brother quite likes the look of the game as does my mum, could be a game the whole family enjoys. To run the game in your monitors native resolution go to the folder World of Goo is installed in, then the properties folder and open the config.txt document, here you can edit the screen_width and screen_height to your monitors native resolution. If you have the Steam version this will be located some where like: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\world of goo\properties depending on where you installed Steam to. I can only save one guy on level 5/6 before my tower falls over
I dig the whole cartoon graphix! i was always a fan of that! this game really looks cool!! will i be able to get it off steam??
You should be able to buy it off Steam, even if you cant you could PayPal someone the money and have them gift it you on Steam. Alternatively buy it direct from the creators for $20, says 100% region free and DRM free on their website – Link Steam link
Spoiler Once you get your tower up to the tube and it's sucking the tower towards it, start taking down the tower from the bottom, since it should get sucked to the pipe at that point and it doesn't have to be stuck to the ground anymore.
Seems like InsaneNutter hasn't been reading the Sign Painter I got this game ages ago, surprised I hadn't posted anything in here yet I bought it directly from the makers as at the time it was only available via them or on the Wii. For some reason Steam only had a demo! It's a very good puzzle game that can suck up alot of your time if you're not careful
Thanks for the advice Assassin ill be sure to try that tonight I must admit Trebor I keep forgetting to read them signs. Started having a quick game and I was still playing it an hour later.
There have been a lot of good indie games on Steam lately, like Aquaria and The Maw And in 2 weeks also Braid will be added! Go Steam!
Just to inform you guys, I can send the entire game to anyone if they like... for free! It doesn't seem to have any CD protection, I guess cos you now have to download it off of Steam (and you don't screw with VeriSign). I've got an original version from when the full game was leaked onto the interwebs, I'll try to upload it to Download 2.0, for everyone to cruise with. S'good game, something that I can waste a few hours on; it is worth £5 but all the better if it's free, right? lol
With this being a newer game I'd probably not advise that. It is a Copyrighted game. I could post the demo of it if the Admins would allow that.
Hmmm? oh, kk If anyone does want it; inform me and it's yours! (The only thing that I've ever trusted from 4Chan... lol)
It is deffinately worth £5, but what's free is free! If no-one wants me to upload it then I won't I've been posting on this forum for less than 12 hours; I don't want to aggrivate people already!
The general rule for the download centre is anything that is no longer sold is ok to upload within reason, that way no one is losing money and people who want something but cant buy it anymore can still get it. If you look at the sticky at the top of each download section it has examples of what could be uploaded, if you need any more help just message a staff member