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X3 Config Live Skins for Xecuter 3 Modchip Bios

Discussion in 'Apps / Tools' started by InsaneNutter, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Here is a collection of Xecuter 3 Bios Skins, or X3 Config Live Skins as they were called. If your Xbox Console has an Xecuter 3 modchip installed a features of the Bios was skins could be installed.

    How to install:

    1. Copy "x3skins" folder to the E drive root, E:\x3skins\ on your Xbox.
    2. Reboot the Xbox, holding the white button on the controller to enter X3 Config Live.
    3. Select X3 Config Live, then X3CL Skins, then the skin of your choose.

    Download: X3 Config Live Skins for Xecuter 3 Modchip
    gatekeeper1122 and Rick like this.
  2. Wilson1984

    Wilson1984 New Member

    Nov 13, 2019
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    Se que esto ya lleva mucho tiempo publicado pero me sirvió soy de los pocos o muchos que aun tengo un Xbox clásico . Gracias por que no encontraba estos temas para mi x3.... aprovechando tendras los bios para x3

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