1 vs. 100 I've just spent 3 hours of my life playing 1 vs. 100 Live on Xbox Live. I must say this game is nothing less than amazing. It was an excellent experience and my family even played it with me. I wasn't sure about it at first but I even invited Nimrod to a game. unfortunently he couldn't join due it being USA only. Though at the moment it was available there was nearly 49,000 users online. Once it actually started going there was 98,000 people. Nearly 100,000. Guys if you have the time please login to your Xbox 360 and set a reminder for 1 vs. 100. (Must be a Xbox Live Gold Member) Information about 1 vs. 100 for those who don't even know what I'm talking about. The beta season of 1 vs 100 Live on Xbox LIVE transforms you from spectator to player in this new socially interactive game experience based upon the hit TV game show. Enjoy the fun and freshness of a television show in a massively multiplayer online game. Play for chances to win real prizes via a sweepstakes. Have fun playing with your friends and family, or compete with other LIVE Gold members in a friendly game of 1 vs 100 Live. With live events, real hosts, featured players, and fresh content it's a new experience every time you play. Free game: The beta season of 1 vs 100 Live is included with your Gold Membership. Fun for everyone: Enjoy Live episodes where you play the game at specified times, massively multiplayer allows you to play with friends and against the masses, with a Live host in each game. Big prizes! You have the chance to win prizes like a home theater system with HDTV or a digital camera just for participating (answering a question right or wrong). So, what do you guys think about it? Has anyone of you tryed it yet or going to try it?
Looks quite good. I'll give it a go in a bit. I'v allways enjoyed watching it on TV and now I'll get to play Good little review by the way!
When it comes to the UK its defiantly something I want to play, I have tried to play it with my USA Live account but I think you need to be a gold member for it. Great review! if possible ill join you for a game when its out over here.
I have a reminder set for this. It looks to be quite enjoyable; I'll post my review after I try it out.
Looks like a very good game hey!! i wouldnt mind playing that 1ce it get's over here by us.... Just a quick question King, in the U.S.A quite a number of show's and sitcom's aswell are sponsored by SPRINT hey?? coz i've seen a good couple of thing's coming out of the U.S carrying the SPRINT logo proudly??
I played it, it was ok I guess. I didn't really like it that much. I didn't like the commercials between every few questions.
No you have 3-5 seconds to pick an answer. The quicker you answer the more points you get. Especially if its correct and lots of other players are wrong.
Maybe there just extremely clever people, or they have played the game so much they know the answer to all the questions it has?