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Xbox 360 Content Manager v3.0 Download (Jtag / RGH Content)

Discussion in 'Apps (PC)' started by InsaneNutter, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    What Xbox 360 (Jtag / RGH DLC content manager) Does:
    * Browse 360 files on your PC by their real info, like game name and package title.
    * Unlock XBLA, DLC and Avatar files downloaded from Xbox Live.
    * Upload files (XBLA, DLC, GOD, Avatar, Title Update) to your console over FTP with a single click. Files are automatically uploaded to the right folders.
    * Drag and drop files to other applications, if you'd prefer to use your own FTP client.
    * Organize a messy folder of downloaded content into 1 of many different directory styles. Restore the original filenames for XBLA and DLC files.
    * View the MediaID of Title Updates and GODs so you can match them, and search JQE and XBUC for matching TUs.
    * View the MediaID of ISO files. (Requires abgx360)
    * View the MediaID of default.xex files.
    * Browse your 360's hard drive directly, using FSD. This allows you to delete, unlock, edit and copy the contents of the 360's internal drive over the network.


    Version 3 Change log:

    - Reordered context menus.
    - Fixed bug where the welcome screen would always appear.
    - Added feature to create and upload multidisc game entries to the multi.ini file for diskswapper.
    - Added support for DashLaunch FTP server.
    - Fixed bugs in content organizer. Added new Content Organizer mode.
    - Added support for overwriting duplicates during rename operation.
    - Increased speed of Content Organizer.
    - Added rename mode in Content Organizer to rename files to their package titles. Filenames in this mode are limited to 42 characters in order to comply with the specifications of the FATX filesystem. Spaces and other special characters are removed in order to preserve as much of the original package title as possible.
    - Added support for uploading to devices other than the internal hard drive (Hdd1).
    - Enable advanced features and then edit the device setting on the FTP tab.
    - Please note the following limitations exist: Depending on what device you upload to, Title Updates may not be put in a location the console will check. Content is uploaded using the same folder stucture that would be used on an internal hard drive, so make sure you point FSD at the « Content » folder for it to load the files. This custom device will also be mapped and viewed when using the « Show Xbox 360 Drive » option with FSD, as long as the share name is used by FSD. Game Name and Package Title can be edited by clicking the edit button next to their text boxes, changing the
    text and then pressing Enter to save. This should work for all LIVE and CON files.
    - Fixed bug in display of Console ID.
    - Added Drag and Drop support
    for dragging files INTO the currently displayed folder. Fixed bug with
    dragging and dropping a folder from the treeview. Resign gamesaves (and
    other CON files) to a different Profile ID.

    Download Xbox 360 Content Manager v3.0

    Attached Files:

  2. rossta99

    rossta99 New Member

    May 5, 2012
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    hmm, any version of this i try and extract gets reported as a HackTool virus by Kaspersky :(
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Allow an exception for this program, its a legit application and is not a hack tool.
    KRISCUBE likes this.
  4. Chandlier1000

    Chandlier1000 Resident

    May 22, 2012
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    Wil it help me get the full versions of Xbox LIVE Arcade games?
  5. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Reading usually helps to let you know if it would or not, not even that far down the list it says it does. People that don't tend to read also have a tendency of messing up Jtags, just letting that out there.
    KRISCUBE likes this.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Updated the post to version 3.0, some useful fixes and features added.
  7. peckerwood

    peckerwood New Member

    Dec 15, 2011
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    Thanks , that explains why i cant upload iso s then , its been a long while
    i have used iso2god in the past along with a couple of others,
    then ftp accross to 360 and in the passed have seen the games within dashboard on fsd in xbox 360 games
    i have then uploaded covers for these games and then just clicked on cover to launch game
    BUT do you think after 6 months i can remember what to do , NO
    cant even seem to get the games to show up in game folder anymore let alone then fetch a cover for it.
    PLEASE could you advise me what im doing wrong in getting these games to show up in the games folder
    i have realised maybe i need to run iso2god then upload, but even then they are not showing up in the games folder
    HOWEVER i can find some of them using file manager. . Insane being from yorkshire are we, Marching on together
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I'm not 100% sure what you are doing at the moment from what you say.

    For games to show up under the game section in the dashboard you have to convert them to God's with ISO2God, then FTP them to the Content/0000000000000000 folder (the god files with the two folders you end up with). With FSD the games can be anywhere as long as you have told FSD where to look for them, i dont really use FSD so cant help anymore with that.

    If you copy across with this program it should sort the folders out for you so the games show on the MS dash, providing you converted them to God packages with ISO2god.
  9. peckerwood

    peckerwood New Member

    Dec 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    thank you

    Thanks M8
    i had assumed that much and are doing what you suggested, but no joy thanks again . AND if you are a whites fan keep on marching
  10. mikelmanson

    mikelmanson New Member

    May 31, 2013
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    When I tried to test the connection it appeared an error "Connection Failed: Incorrect Password (code 530) (code 530)".

    I'm using FSD 3.0 and as soon as I click in Test the xbox status says: FTP: Connected.

    So, I guess that the xbox starts getting connected, but some is wrong in the 360 content management.

    I don't have any FTP pass defined in the xbox, but if I did, I wouldn't know where to put the password in the 360 content management.

    So, how can I fix this?
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You might be able to define one in FSD, by default the user / pass is xbox.

    This is how you can change it in 360 content manager however:

  12. mikelmanson

    mikelmanson New Member

    May 31, 2013
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    Thank you. Now I can access my xbox drive.

    But just for curiosity, my default password is nothing, I mean, it doesn't have one. If I try connecting with just a username and no password, meaning " " for password, I can't access.

    So for future references, it needs to have a password. Otherwise, no access.
  13. Automan

    Automan New Member

    Aug 14, 2014
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    I can extract the files to edit them on the PC?...
  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes if you know what your doing you can do whatever you want.
  15. Automan

    Automan New Member

    Aug 14, 2014
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    I made 400 mods, but for the PC, I do not have the console,
    I want to convert the vehicle DLCs GTA-V for GTA-SA,
    but I only have the PC and the files of the JTAG DLC.
    I know exactly what I want to do,
    but I can not find a command like 'Extract the files jtag on PC'...
    From what I see, or do not exist or has been hidden well...
  16. ??????? ??????

    ??????? ?????? New Member

    Sep 8, 2014
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    Hi, I have FSD 3 running. I am ablr to connect via any ftp terminal, but I can connect using content manager. I tried version 2 and 3. I have enabled ftp login and password on both FSD and content manager. When I click connect button, it seem connecting, but I can browse content. But If I plan to upload from PC to console no problem I can do it. What is wrong ?

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