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Xbox 360 Dashboard Update 2.0.13599.0 with Avatars Download Final

Discussion in 'Dashboard / System Updates' started by Corona, Jul 19, 2011.

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  1. ilake

    ilake New Member

    Feb 6, 2012
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    Hi sorry for bringing up an old thread but I figured it's better than posting a new one. Hope you guys don't mind.
    I have an old xbox 360 premium with a samsung drive (bought it June 2008). I've got it flashed sometime around Februrary-Mars 2010 and according to the guy who did it it was the latest one atm, I think it might be 1.6 but I'm not sure and don't know how to check it. I've been able to burn and play all games so far up until now when I burned a new game. The error I get is something like "The console needs to be updated but no update was found". So after some research I figure that this has to do with my dashbard "2.0.12625.0" not supporting the new XGD3 games. The problem occured when I tried to update to the lastest dashboard via usb drive, I get an error E66. I guess that's what lead me here and has to do with the drive being flashed. Would I get this error if I didn't download the lastest dashboard but merely the first one which supported XGD3? = "2.0.13146.0"?

    After reading this thread I've come to the conclusion that what I need to do is flash my xbox to my original OFW, install the latest dashboad update (or at least 13146), then flash it with LT 2.0. Is this correct? I have never played xbox live and have no intentions of doing it so I don't care if I get banned, does that mean there is an easier way? I guess I would be able to flash the drive myself but I'd need to buy some stuff first so I'd prefer not to.

    I'm sorry for asking for something that has probably been answered a million times already but I'd just really like to be certain so I don't mess anything up. I'm not sure what this SPI-lock is but it sound to me like if you get that you can't flash the drive anymore after that. And if I got stuck with my original firmware it would mean disaster
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes you are correct.

    You need to flash LT v2.01 for Samsung drives.

    Download the Jungle Flasher tutorial to learn how to flash the drive: Jungle Flasher - Downloads

    Samsung drives are probably one of the easiest to do.
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