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Xbox 360 Game Hack 5.2 - Remove the region and media protection of 360 games

Discussion in 'Apps (PC)' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Do you have anything like Freestyle Dash or XEX Menu on your console? if yes then its Jtag or RGH hacked. From what you said it doesn't sound like it tho.

    A Jtag / RGH console can not even connect to live, you get banned before you finish connecting.

    Jtag / RGH have the same end result, newer or updated consoles can be RGH hacked where as only older non updated consoles can be jtag hacked.

    If your console is modded i would not send it in to Microsoft to get serviced put it that that way.
  2. Grey.fox

    Grey.fox Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    thx bro i s there way to jtag it
  3. Dexxxtroyer

    Dexxxtroyer Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    I still haven't JTAG/ RGH hacked my console bec. it is expensive (and I have no budget for it as of now). Questions though on JTAG/ RGH hacking and about Game Hack.

    1. If I have it JTAG hacked, will my achievements and saved games be overwritten? I am extremely worried about this one coz i already had tons of games saved on my HDD and lots of completed games as well.

    2. JTAG and RGH....are they always a bundle when it is hacked? or can be hacked as JTAG only and RGH separately?

    3. I am certain my console is flash modded only. So I have previous games that worked fine before. I just recently updated it to LT 3.0 to able to play KINECT STAR WARS. But then I all previous XGD3 games cannot be read (including KINECT DISNEYLAND ADVENTURES and RISE OF NIGHTMARES). I have a previous .ISO for KINECT DISNEY ADV. (which is not REGION FREE). Will I be able to make that ISO REGION FREE using Games Hack?

    Sorry again for the questions. :P
  4. LeeClynch3

    LeeClynch3 Resident

    Apr 6, 2010
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    This Tool can only used for RGH/Jtags not Flashed because that's a disk drive mod not a full software mod like Jtag that'll bypass all security signals
  5. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    No, as this is from your profile, your gamesaves and profile should be fine. Though if you're interested in live at all i'd be weary what homebrew apps you use on the 360.

    RGH and JTAG are two different hacks, JTAG worked until firmware 7377. While the RGH worked until 14699 (I think). Both had the same end results, a console able to run modified firmware with most security checks removed.
    The reason why your games aren't working it because the way LT3.0 works, you'd have to re-burn your games with the correct topology data. ABGX would be able to do that for you. A quick Google search would help you find that program.

    If you did RGH/Jtag your console while having the flashed drive, you should be able to run games from a disc and make them region free with this hack. Of course if you did hack your console you could also make them a GoD (Games on Demand) game and run them purely from a hard drive with no disc needed.
  6. Dexxxtroyer

    Dexxxtroyer Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Dang. Thanks for the reply. Do you guys know any Program App that can do so? I heard DVD DECRYPTER and XBOX BACKUP CREATOR. Do you think they can? Or do I really need to have my console JTAG/ RGH hacked to be able to play all Games regardless of Region and Firmware versions. :'(
  7. Dexxxtroyer

    Dexxxtroyer Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Thanks for the answers. I am now really looking forward to have my console JTAG/ RGH hacked. I still have a few more questions though.

    1. About JTAG and RGH. So which of the two hacks do you prefer? Or is it much better if both hacks be done to my Console?

    2. Can I use XBOXLive when I have my console JTAG/ RGH hacked? I was told not to use XBOX LIVE even if it is only FLASH MODDED. Is this true also?

    3. When you say homebrew apps, you mean non-microsoft certified apps?

    4. I know this is off topic. But I bought a KINECT DISNEY DVD. I believe it is a back-up DVD-DL only since after I have flash modded to LT 3.0, the "DISC IS UNSUPPORTED" appears. I have extracted the ISO of that back-up DVD and then tried to re-burn it. But before I do I have it checked first to ABGX360, And it's saying that "ISO Size is too small, Game CRC Check aborted!" This is from a back-up DVD which runs fine before the LT 3.0 update.

    Someone told me that ABGX360 cannot fix TRUNCATED burns (since my back-up probably is). TRUNCATED Burns are most common to XGD3 games since they burn at the end of the DVD to allocate the 8.7 GB size or something like that. ORIGINAL Games are not TRUNCATED and are therefore the preferred types of ISO extraction. So I now have a downloaded KINECT DISNEY (which is REGION=US) ISO and my back up DVD KINECT DISNEY (REGION FREE) ISO. Both maybe useless to re-burn unless I have my console JTAG/ RGH hacked. Is this true or is there still a way out of this mess. I just bought tons of DVD-DL's but I still don't wanna waste them for erroneous burns. Any1?
  8. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    You can only do one hack to your console, If your firmware is past 14699, you can't do either hack.

    If you try to connect to live with a Jtag/RGH, your console will be instantly banned. You really shouldn't use XBL with a flashed console because if you do, you will always run the risk of having your console banned.

    More or less, yes. Things like emulators and such.
    The way to make XGD3 backups work on LT2.0 differs from the way you would make them work with LT 3.0 so that is why it gives this error.

    ABGX can't fix a truncated burn as this runs down to memory allocation, rather than just patching a disc. To do full XGD3 burns you would need to purchase an iHAS124-04 B and run modified firmware in order to do a complete burn.
  9. Dexxxtroyer

    Dexxxtroyer Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Thanks for the answers man. :D How can I know if my FW is past 14699? I guess I really need to buy an iHAS burner. Some say it works best on a VERBATIM DVD-DL and not just any DVD-DL? I'm planing to buy it soon. ;)
  10. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Go to System Settings, Console Settings, then System Info to be able to tell which firmware you're running. If you're just wanting to play backups, I don't suggest trying to RGH the console.

    Generally, the higher quality the DL the better the results, Verbatim discs usually seem to be a pretty high quality disc so results probably tend to be better with that disc. Though this doesn't mean that cheaper brands can't play games at all.
  11. gorillaparrot

    gorillaparrot New Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    This thread has been very thorough and informative, clearly showing the expertise of the contributors!
    However, im not the most technically savvy person and and would like to request for more help.

    I've recently purchased a Xbox 360 Rock Band 2 from the US, it's a NTSC game. However, my xbox 360 purchased in Singapore can't read it due to the region code of the CD.
    I have managed to play other NTSC games on my console, NTSC/J as well which leaves me pretty bummed out.

    It seems that my current options are to mod my xbox360 and doing it physically/ the hard-mod method isn't my best option especially since im a girl.
    The soft-mod approach seems confusing and i have read so any different ways that i have become confused as to which is the safest and easiest way.

    Would really love it if someone could guide me through this process or advice! Many thanks!
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    A lot of NTSC games are region free, however some are region locked as you have found.

    Also what does been a girl have to do with your ability to mod something?

    There is no softmod for the Xbox 360, all mods require you to open the console.
    To play games from any region you need to look in to doing the rgh hack, this requires you to buy a glitch chip and solder it to the Xbox 360 motherboard.

    There is no easy process for this, you will have to do a lot of reading and work to get to grips with that.
  13. chaos90

    chaos90 New Member

    Oct 16, 2012
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    hey InsaneNutter,i have a problem i dont know how to solve it.thing is i have 2 xbox's,one jtagged & other flashed.problem is i took a new game, but when i run it in both of my consoles it says wrong region code plz. tell me what to do
  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
  15. J to duh t

    J to duh t New Member

    Oct 20, 2012
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    melbourne, australia
    Hi i have a 360 slim with xkey mod so i can play games off a hard drive, so far i have been buying "backup games" and i want to know with original 360 games if i remove the region and copyright with this program and then put the game onto my hard drive will the game still work from the disc in unmodded consoles even though the region and copyright has been removed. thanks
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Nope, you can only remove the region of a game on a console that can run unsigned code. This been a Jtag or RGH console.
  17. J to duh t

    J to duh t New Member

    Oct 20, 2012
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    melbourne, australia
    The mod I have is this one
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    My above post still applies, you can only play games from the region of your console with the xkey.

    You need a Jtag / RGH console to play region locked games.
  19. emadiran

    emadiran New Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    hey bro/im from iran.i had a pal xbox and i hacked to jtag.with this app that you have explained,can i just download pal games and change them into free reigon?i will be so happy if you awnser.8-|
  20. emadiran

    emadiran New Member

    Apr 27, 2015
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    and sorry agin,for my jtag xbox should i just play free reigon games?

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