Xbox 360 Jtag or RGH Hack Easy Update to Dashboard 17502 with XeBuild GUI

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    This guide aims to cover everything required to update your Jtagged / Reset glitch hacked (RGH) Xbox 360 to the latest 17502 Kernel / Dashboard. I have tried to make the guide as detailed as possible so people of all skill levels can follow it successfully. It might look complicated at first, however the process is pretty simple. I have just included a lot of photos / screenshots to try and cover everything from start to finish.

    This is an update of my older tutorial, using the latest applications and dashboard as of May 2016.

    I have provided all the tools / files you will need to complete this guide, however there are a few things will you need to provide yourself as they are unique to your console, these are:
    • A dump (copy) of your current Freeboot nand
    • Your CPU key
    The four main parts of this guide are:
    1. How to dump (backup) your current Freeboot nand
    2. How to findout my consoles CPU key
    3. Building your new nand
    4. Flashing the new nand to the Xbox 360.

    Quick Note: If you are a Jtag user upgrading from XBR 8955 you would be best off upgrading to FreeBoot 9199 first, people have had a lot more success updating to 9199 first, then going to the latest 16 as covered in this tutorial. If you are on 8955 you can follow this tutorial here to update to 9199. If you are on 9199 or higher just proceed with this tutorial.

    1. How to dump (backup) your current Freeboot nand:

    We are going to take a copy of your consoles existing nand, xeBuild will now extract your current smc.bin, kv.bin and smc_config.bin straight from this backed up nand, it should also mirror any existing block remappings from the to the new nand you are building.

    This means you do not need to provide any additional files other than a backup or your nand, or worry about remapping bad blocks your self.

    Basically if you have a working Jtag you should be able to update very easily by following this guide.

    To dump (copy) your nand from the Xbox 360, we will use a program called “Nand Flasher 360”. Note: This will work for Jtags, if you have a RGH console you would be advised to use your original nand dump, I have been informed not doing so will cause some people problems.

    Download Nand Flasher 360

    When you have Nand Flasher 360 downloaded, unzip it, then copy it to your USB drive


    Connect the USB drive to your console and load Nand Flasher 360 with your favourite file manager.


    When Nand Flasher 360 has loaded select Dump Nand / Flash on the right menu, the nand should then dump to your USB drive as a file called orig_nand.bin


    Note: If you are unsure if your console is an Xenon, Zypher, Falcon, Jasper 16mb, Jasper 256mb or Jasper 512mb now would be a good time to make a note of it. As you can see in the image below the revision of

    the console and nand size is displayed, you will need to know this later on:


    Once the dump has finished you can connect the USB drive to your computer and copy the orig_nand.bin off it.


    2. How to findout my consoles CPU key:

    You should already know your consoles CPU key, however if you do not it's pretty easy to find it out.
    1. First: Connect the 360 to the TV with the Component or VGA cable (Xell / Xellous do not not work with HDMI so you will just get a black screen)
    2. Power on the console with the DVD eject button
    3. Have a camera ready
    4. Wait until the fuse sets are shown
    5. Take a photo quickly as they will usually scroll off the screen fast
    6. Combine fuse sets 3 and 5 or 4 and 6, this will give you the consoles CPU key
    Fuse set example:


    (Image found on Google)

    Take line 3 and 5:

    3= E42D681ED06A6D1C
    5= 1FFD8E48C56A2058

    So my CPU Key is: E42D681ED06A6D1C1FFD8E48C56A2058

    Now you have your current nand and CPU key we can build an updated nand.

    3. Using XeBuild and building your new nand:

    You will need to download the following:

    xeBuild GUI 2.098 - This will build the latest 17502 dashboard for your Jtag or RGH hacked Xbox 360.

    Download, unzip and then load up XeBuild. You should be presented with the screen as shown below:


    You have 3 steps to follow now:

    1) Open your existing nand, this is the nand you dumped earlier in this tutorial with Nandflasher 360
    2) Enter your CPU key, all the settings you need should be read from your existing nand.
    3) Generate a hacked image

    Note: You should have a green check in each of the box's at the bottom of the Xebuild application


    After the new nand is built when this is shown press "Cancel" so you can see the build log:


    As shown in the screenshot below:

    1) Check the build log for any errors
    2) Your newly built nand will be here
    3) Name of your newly built nand


    4. Flashing the new nand to the Xbox 360:

    Note Jtagged consoles can flash the Nand from the Dashboard with Nand Flasher 360, RGH users must flash from Xell.

    Jtagged Xbox 360 Nand Flashing:

    Download Nand Flasher 360 if you have not already, and unzip this to your USB drive.

    Now copy the updflash.bin you just built to the USB drive.


    Now we need to load NAND Flasher 360 on the console, do so using your favourite file manager, XEX Menu or FreeStyle Dash will work fine.

    Simply browse the files on the USB memory stick and load Nand Flasher 360:


    On the right menu select “Write NAND / Flash”


    This will bring up a file browser, select the USB drive


    Now select your updflash.bin, you will be warned not to press anything on the console as it is flashing.


    Press ok and the nand will be flashed to the console.


    After the flashing has finished it will be verified, all been well your nand will have been flashed successfully.

    Press the on-screen button “shutdown” to turn the console off.


    Unplug the power brick and leave it disconnected for two minutes (or turn the 360 off at the plug)

    Re connect the power brick, power the console on and if everything has gone ok your console should boot in to the 17502 Dash.

    RGH Xbox 360 Nand Flashing:

    Copy the updflash.bin you just built to the USB drive.


    Now power the Xbox 360 console off and plug your USB drive in to the Xbox 360's USB port. Next power the Xbox 360 on with the eject button. This should launch Xell.

    As can be seen below the updflash.bin should be found on the USB drive and flashed to the consoles nand.


    After the update has finished Unplug the power brick and leave it disconnected for two minutes (or turn the 360 off at the plug).

    Re connect the power brick, power the console on and if everything has gone ok your console should boot in to the 17502Dash.

    You can verify the console is on the 17502 by looking in system settings.

    Thats it your console should be updated! good luck and if you have any questions I will do my best to answer.

    5. FAQ:

    How do I restore the avatar and kinetic data so i can use my kinect?

    Restoring the avatars is simply a case of you running the official Microsoft 17502 update, only do this after you have upgraded to the 17502 dashboard using this tutorial. If you run an update on a Jtag with a higher dashboard than you are currently running you will find that you no longer have a Jtag.

    The Xbox 360 Kinect Dashboard Update can be downloaded here

    Simply extract the $SystemUpdate a Fat32 formatted USB drive, you will have to rename the update folder to $$ystemUpdate if you have installed DashLaunch. DashLaunch is installed by default if you follow this tutorial to the letter.


    Just insert the USB stick in to the 360 and you will be asked to update, say yes and the 360 will re start and your avatars will be restored.

    There you go, you now have the 17502 dashboard on your Jtag with working avatars.

    How do i format my USB drive to Fat 32?

    Go to My Computer, right click on the USB drive and select format


    Select Fat 32 and Default allocation size, then press start.


    After updating i can no longer play games from a DVD, how can i fix this?

    When building your nand in XeBuild, towards the right hand side under the special patches menu check "disable fcrt.bin check", then re-buld and flash the nand. Games played from DVD should then work fine
  2. Tromax

    Tromax New Member

    Sep 19, 2013
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    I have tried the steps you have described here on old Xbox 360 Falcon (v3.0), NAND: 16MB, with a Freeboot (RGH 1.x). Everything went just fine, there weren't any errors in the xeBuild log file as well as in NAND Flasher 360 after writing the new NAND/Flash. After writing has finished I have pressed the "Shutdown" button in NAND Flasher 360, and right after it has powered down, I have unplugged the power cord from the back of my xbox. I have plugged it back in after around 4-5 minutes. Now when I am starting xbox, it goes to the spinning logo, and freezes after the animation is finished, never going past this point.

    Do you have any idea what might be the cause of it, and more importantly, how to fix it? Either to flash it back to the previous version (the one backed up) or to move past this screen. I am really stuck here, and I am pretty new to the whole RGH thing in xbox, so I would appreciate any help.

    Thanks for your time.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Power the console on with the eject button, Xell should load. Ensure the network cable it connected, then you should see an ip address in the network config:


    Using your web browser on your PC go to or what ever your consoles ip address is, you should be able to download your "raw flash" from the console.

    Do that and use it as your source nand to build a new image, after that has done flash it to the console as before and hopefully that should stop it from freezing.
    wanganan likes this.
  4. Tromax

    Tromax New Member

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Thanks for your quick response, I will try this today after work. Just one more question, how am I supposed to run NAND Flasher 360 with the fixed image, if my console doesn't go to dashboard? Previously I have ran it using XeXMenu, which I booted form the CD, but now it is not possible because I can't get to the dashboard to run the CD. So my question is, is it possible to run NAND Flasher 360 using Xell menu somehow?
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Simply put the updflash.bin on the root of the USB memory stick, power the console on with the eject button to boot Xell and it should find the updated nand and flash it.
    Tromax likes this.
  6. Tromax

    Tromax New Member

    Sep 19, 2013
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    It worked like a charm, thanks very much for your help!
  7. Mfunk20

    Mfunk20 New Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    Works Prefect - Issues with LIVE

    Great tutorial. Everything worked, except now I can't get online to update Kinect. Manually doesn't work either.

    It says there is a problem with my network but I have a un-modded xbox hooked up just fine. I even swapped network cables and tried wireless (Its a slim Jtag) but still nothing.

    any suggestions on what the issue could be there? It was working fine prior to this update.
  8. amirnikond3100

    amirnikond3100 New Member

    Oct 7, 2013
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    Awesome Tut.....Everything worked smoothly, thanks a lot !!! ^_^
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You cant go online with a Jtag / RGH console, have you looked at the bottom of the tutorial on how to restore the avatars using a USB memory stick?
  10. BlockABoots

    BlockABoots Elite Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Bedfordshire. England
    Great guide InsaneNutter!.

    Is there an option to build the nand so that 'Liveblock' is enabled all the time from a nand level (hardware) when the RGH nand is enabled (for dual nand 360's). So for instance if the 360 was in RGH mode without a USB device connected with FSD and dashlaunch on, then the console still wouldnt be able to connection to the xbox servers. Just a safety measure really???

    I can remember reflashing the RGH nand back the other year and i can remember an option to set 'Liveblock' from the flash program, but that was with the J-runner flashing program!?
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If you include your launch.ini with your custom settings (e.g. live block enabled) in the root of the XeBuild folder when building the nand it should include that within the newly built image.
  12. BlockABoots

    BlockABoots Elite Member

    May 29, 2012
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    Bedfordshire. England
    Cheers thanks. Just looked in the XeBuild folder and there is a launch.ini file in there already and the liveblock is enabled by default which is good
  13. sansie

    sansie Member

    Oct 22, 2013
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    I've problem with my JTAG update with severall xebuilt apps.
    xeBuild v1.07.632
    base path changed to C:\Users\Gebruiker\Desktop\2091\files
    ---- { Image Build Mode } ----
    building jtag image

    ***** WARNING: nanddump.bin has a bad LBA at block 0x1df (raw offset 0x3dbf000), block LBA ignored

    **** could not read smc_config.bin (-1) ****

    ******* ERROR: critical bootloader files are missing, cannot proceed!

    ***** FATAL BUILD ERROR: -1 unable to complete NAND image

    xeBuild Finished. Have a nice day.
    xeBuild ERROR: image build error
    ERROR: There was one or more fatal errors: 1 errors during the build process
    Cleaning data and temporary directories... Done!

    also tried Jrunner ..the same problem.
    i checked my cpu key a1000 times!​
  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
  15. sansie

    sansie Member

    Oct 22, 2013
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    I tried it, i choise RAW FLASH, it dloaded succesfully 2e time. its 528 mb.
    i used it with xebuild 2.0 , but same error:

    **** could not read smc_config.bin (-1) ****

    ******* ERROR: critical bootloader files are missing, cannot proceed!

    ***** FATAL BUILD ERROR: -1 unable to complete NAND image
  16. sansie

    sansie Member

    Oct 22, 2013
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    SHIT! i wrote the flashdmp.bin back to my xbox360. Hoping to get rid of the LBA error,
    afther a while i reboot the xbox. And E79 error apears...damn!
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    What happens when you power the console on with the eject button? can you still use Xell?
  18. sansie

    sansie Member

    Oct 22, 2013
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    yess , i still can access the Xell ! i see all my information on the screen! I also put my dump.bin on a 32fat usb-stick and renamed like: updflash.bin
    and put it in the xbox, and start it with XELL , but it wont update automaticcally
  19. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Dump the nand as instructed here: and build a new nand following this tutorial. Hopefully that should get the console working again.
  20. sansie

    sansie Member

    Oct 22, 2013
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    i already have a RAW bin, but how to put it back on the xbox360:P?

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