How-to: (Only for "Demo timer"...not "Leaving area") Step # 1. When the red banner gets to 1sec and a couple milliseconds, pause the game using Start button. NOT Back button 2. Ensure "Resume game" is highlighted. 3. Press the Xbox Guide button *first*, and QUICKLY press either Start/A/B. 4. Those set of actions should resume gameplay, but immediately bring you back to the Pause menu. 5. Repeat Step 3 to bring the timer down to 0secs. 6. While you are repeating Step 3, you will notice it is still saying 1sec left on the demo timer. It will take quite a few more repeating of Step 3 for the glitch to happen. 7. If successful, you should see that the timer is now 0secs while you were repeating Step 3. If still 1sec, then keep repeating again. 8. Have fun exploring till the real game comes out March 23. NOTE: Reduce "HUD Opacity" to 0 to turn off the HUD displays and the demo timer box.
Would there not be some way to take the Demo Files & somehow find a way to remove the Timer & stuff from them so we do not have to keep doing the glitch ? Now if only something could be done about the restricted areas
Yeah, I like to change it from time to time. Maybe if it were a Jtagged console as if you do that it will modify the signature on the demo, therefore breaking it. Also removing the barrier in the game would do nothing as the demo is only a little over 1GB, the game being over 6GB i'm sure, so you'd probably fall through the map if you were getting out of the boundaries.
You can extract all the files from the demo container with wxPirs, however unless you have a jtagged console modifying anything will be a waste of time as your normal Xbox 360 is not going to let you do anything with it.