Xbox 360 Marketplace Will Close In July 2024

Discussion in 'News' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 18, 2023.

By InsaneNutter on Aug 18, 2023 at 8:50 AM
  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England

    Its the end of an era, Microsoft have announced that the Xbox 360 Marketplace will close on July 29th, 2024. This means that it will no longer be possible to purchase games or DLC on the Xbox 360.

    It is estimated that around 220 digital only games will disappear when the Xbox 360 Marketplace closes, presuming any games that are backwards compatible on the Xbox One / Series are still available to purchase on newer consoles.

    Digiex has hosted a lot of Xbox 360 demos and arcade games for well over 15 years now, including some popular early releases before wide availability on Xbox Live, including the Resident Evil 5 Demo, Left 4 Dead Demo, and the Duke Nukem Forever Demo.

    Of course we have have a vast collection of Xbox 360 Content built up over the years by like minded people who found Digiex and helped to contribute.

    Efforts have been underway for several years now to preserve all the content on the Xbox 360 Marketplace, not just the demos and arcade games. Between myself and a few other like minded people we estimate that vast majority of content has already been preserved, both by pooling our existing collections and a little trickery to download some already delisted content that still exists on the servers. So fear not, once the Marketplace closes for good this major part of gaming history will not be list for good, some way will be found to make this archive accessible to all.

    Microsoft do state it will be possible to play and re-download previously purchased content and that Xbox Live support will continue for now on the Xbox 360, so its nice that one of my favourite consoles will still live on for now.


Discussion in 'News' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 18, 2023.

    1. Davide20Craft
      this means that we need to archive 220 digital games dlcs everything. i know the games cost but if you have more money and 1tb usb stick do it before its too late
    2. InsaneNutter
      Possibly a useful list for people to see if theirs anything you might still wish to purchase for your 360:

      Click "more filter options" in the top right:

      Platform: Xbox 360
      Dist. type: Digital only
      Availability: Listed only

      Xbox 360 games not backwards compatible on Xbox One:

      Xbox 360 games playable on Xbox One / Series consoles:
      Last edited: Aug 18, 2023
    3. InsaneNutter
      Xbox 360 digital only games that should still be listed on the Marketplace:

      Attached Files:

    4. krustywhat
      games that must be preserved are those "only-digital-exclusive", like The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai and South Park: Ternoman's Revenge.

      I've never seen a list of this category.
    5. k0pp0

      I'm still confused about the legality and console/account banning that might occur here.

      Let's say I use Digiex to download copies of games that I own and have purchased in the past on the 360, then copy them to a usb and boot them up - will the licensing pick up that it's 'mine' without issue? or will it/MS think that I'm tinkering with the games?

      I would dearly like to pull down all of the DLC for the GH games that I've got, and ensure I've got copies of everything else I've purchased, but the purchase history route SUCKS....

      Really appreciate anyone's thoughts on this. Thanks.
    6. k0pp0
      It would seem that I have asked this question before and @InsaneNutter answered it!
    7. Bruno Wiśniewski
      Bruno Wiśniewski
      But... why? Is it that expensive to keep the Marketplace or they just want to force current users of 360 to One S? 8o|
    8. InsaneNutter
      I suspect someone at Microsoft has looked at the number of active users of the Xbox 360 marketplace and thought, "well its been 19 years, we can close it down now and not deal with licencing for legacy content".

      Having browsed though the store recently so much content has already been removed, so many good arcade games that helped define that era are not even available, neither are DLC's for many popular games. If you recently picked up a 360 for the first time I think you'd kinda be disappointed with the state of the store now sadly.
    9. Davide20Craft
      Ladies and gentlemen, the xbox 360 store finally shutdown, you will be missed Xbox 360 Marketplace(U):(

      This is how it looks like now:

      Attached Files:

      paardje likes this.
    10. InsaneNutter
      The end of an era for sure and by far the best Xbox console ever made.
      paardje likes this.
    11. paardje
      RIP XBAWX! (Now, how to jailbreak that sucker?)
    12. Mr.Needlemouse
      Here guys some DLC cars for Kinect Joyride for Xbox 360. You can still redeem it on Xbox 360. I can confirm this by myself. (Not Xbox dot com or Xbox One/Series XS). Its still working. Get it while you can.

      Kinect Joy Ride Cars DLC

















      InsaneNutter likes this.
    13. InsaneNutter

      Thanks for the codes.

      I redeemed one of each:

      Torq: 2773P-WXTDP-MT32T-F2V6G-YR63Z

      Eisenberg: 22422-64TPJ-7CXD9-KMJ7G-JQ9FZ

      Hammerhead: 4G2JD-9KQ94-3KX6C-GHY7T-GW2HZ

      Boucher: 22V3K-CPM93-R3XGV-WRWVV-3Q4JZ

      I can confirm they do redeem ok on the Xbox 360 dashboard, they didn't seem to on the Xbox website.

      I still randomly use my Kinect and have the game, so these will get some use at some point :)
      Mr.Needlemouse likes this.

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