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Xbox 360 Nand Compare 1.4

Discussion in 'Apps (PC)' started by InsaneNutter, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    the tool has two functions:

    - compare 2 nand images
    better than simply using md5 as it tells you which blocks are mismatched, which
    allows you to reread only those that are in error rather than the entire chip
    (speeding up the process)

    one use of this is when verifying a write by reading back the nand and comparing
    it against the original you wrote, if you get a bad block just reread that
    individual block, patch it into the full read and compare again (files are
    reread each time you click compare, no need to reselect the same files in the

    e.g. nandpro lpt: -w16 XBR.bin (write image as normal)
    nandpro lpt: -r16 verify.bin (read back image)
    (do comparison, shows block 2e mismatches)
    nandpro lpt: -r16 2e.bin 2e 1 (read block 2e)
    nandpro verify.bin: -w16 2e.bin 2e 1 (patch this new read into verify image)
    (do comparison again, if still bad rewrite just this block and read it back again as above)

    - reconstruct image from 3 bad reads
    assumes that read errors don't occur in same place each time, which is true for
    some read errors (e.g. lpt timing problems), if there is a good reason why you
    can't read something then this may not be true

    this tool cannot recreate a nand out of nothing, if you give it 3 files full of
    zeros you'll get a recreated nand full of zeros, always look at a dump to make
    sure it looks correct (e.g. has a microsoft copyright at the top, once you've
    reconstructed a nand open it in 360 flash tool and make sure it reads ok there)

    the tool works by comparing blocks between the 3 files, any block found matching
    in 2 (or 3) of the files will be considered good, you will be warned if not all
    blocks can be recovered, in which case you'll need to get more reads or look for
    a good reason why your reads are so bad

    version history:
    1.4 (2010/01/23) - support any size image (any number of blocks at 0x4000 + ecc)
    for partial dumps of large nands, 2mb xell backups, etc.
    1.3 (2009/12/18) - reduce block size for 256/512mb nands (to 0x4000 + ecc) based
    on user feedback (nandpro uses small block numbering so our
    output didn't match up with nandpro)
    - make gui more responsive when operating on large nands
    1.2 (2009/12/15) - support for 256mb nand
    - use correct block size for 256/512mb nand (0x20000 + ecc)
    - added progress bar
    1.1 (2009/12/13) - support for 512mb nand (assumes same block size as 16mb)
    1.0 (2009/12/12) - first release

    Download Xbox 360 Nand Compare 1.4

    Release thread over at XboxHacker

    Attached Files:

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