If you don't mind that would be great, like wise if there is anything Europe / UK exclusive let me know. (although its very unlikely we will)
Same here please Dx my disc is elsewhere. Now it's time to demand a disc on the forums in 2 days. Take the update links off. People are grassing on the beta connect feedback section. Don't let digiex fall in with it please.
lol evry xbox 360 beta has been leaked by somone or anoother not like microsoft didnt expect it and not like they will be ban over it XD
i am not leaking anything anymore i hope that everyone is happy. i didnt even nupload these people sent me links and i posted them. i will post the dl links once the bet is over but people stop breaking you nda and stop talking about it. i foy u want stuff you have to wait for it and stop getting others in trouble.
So it was apparently ok to get your friend in trouble for the Kinect leak but you're scared because you think you'll be the one to get in trouble? So now all I can say is you're either lying or just a bad friend or maybe both. You think actual hackers just quit because they'll get in trouble? ^ This is why no one believes you. You have the Windows 8 beta but the only time you're around is when its nearing a beta dashboard. I know personally if I had the windows 8 beta I wouldn't bother with a measly dashboard update. For having such an awesome beta you've been around here begging quite a bit. So call me anything you like as you probably will but i'm just pointing out the obvious and probably what others were thinking. If the admins don't like my post, as always feel free to delete.
i wasnt even klade im not giving who it is but i am not getting in trouble and ruining my life. just because you are a moderator now and have all the powerin the world doesnt mean put people down. i have put a lot into the digiex community and all i get is more more more more mor more more! this may be my last post but wtf people get real
I don't have all the power in the world, if the digiex admins see me unfit at any time they can easily take away my mod rights. As far as people begging for updates, thats always how it's been and always will be. As far as the update itself goes, I just don't see it right to get someone else banned but not yourself, if it was someone elses upload and you decided to remove it so they don't get banned, that's understandable. I don't see how it would ruin your life, so that I have no answer for. These threads always seem to end in a flamefest, whether its from someone begging for an update or something, though I may be partial to blame this time or it can be seen as a misunderstanding as I did unintentionally go to far, so to hacker, i'm sorry.
hey sorry i was mean i just get so frusterated. im gonna ask Matty to change my name. im sorry for being mean to you and the digiex community i just dont think it is right to get people in trouble and break my NDA. Microsoft is tracking down. I dont want to ruin my life. im sorry to you and the digiex community but now no one has to hear from me cuz im done in this buisness. I thought i could be big in the xbox community and especially on digiex but i guess im the same as everyone. you enjoy yourself and I am sorry. BYE xXXBOXxHACKERXx (Eric)
You don't need to apologize and your name is fine unless that's the gamertag you signed for the beta with (may be easier to link you to this) but it would probably be a bit silly if you did just because I doubt microsoft would be fond of the name.
Xbox 360 system software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia New page style, by me, what are you waiting, go to adding the previous closed beta versions to the page .
Just checked the Preview forums on Xbox website people are saying that there disc are showing up today I hope so, Looks like the disc is silver and "Warning: Do NOT insert this disc in a non=Preview console. Doing so will disable access to Xbox Live". It also says "Microsoft Confidential - DISC NOT FOR RESALE". is on the disc
why is yours diffrent colour or something? could just be using diffrent discs or one could have the .42 where as other has .41