When I try to access the forums, I'm getting this message - "The requested Group cannot be found. ". Whaaaaat? :/
Cool update, I'm expecting updates to be pushes out soon? Maybe they just need gamertags and not the console stuff. I don't have access to the forums, maybe the link is incorrect. Edit: Looks like i've been accepted in, before it said the page wasn't found and not it's saying group not found. Looks like we have to wait untill it starts.
They have to be f kidding. "**ACCESS TODAY**". ARGH!!! I hope I'll have this update later this week, or I'll go crazy! o.O
The worst preview program ever! I've never ever had any of this delay shit rubbish. I hate them. I hope they all die.
Ok, so I asked XboxSupport via Twitter, when preview program will start. They replied, they don't have any info about that. DAMN, I want it now! Why is it taking so long?
I hope the update comes midnight (UK time) it did last time ;/ Anyway, I'll be off for a few hours, enjoy!
Well, our consoles are not yet registered, so there will be no update . Dang, I just can't wait... Ehhh.
If they going forward in this mode we will not have the update not even the 31 October -.- If they die after who give us the update ? I still not understand why they have wrote this : **ACCESS TODAY**ACCESS TODAY**ACCESS TODAY**.
Twitter support say it'll only be avaliable when the program has initiated. XBLUP admins claim we will have access today. This implies that the updates may be pushed out today when the program initiates.
"It's possible the forums for preview may go live before the actual preview - check back soon ^JD" - XboxSupport.