I think that if seanpr92 have received this mail before us, then we will be not accepted in the program, all wasted fatigue -.-.
We are in the beta program. It clearly states it in the new announcement posted yesterday. It seems that there is a long acception queue. I guess there's a lot of time for those guys to continue working on accpeting everyone manually ;-; but the process is really a mess.
nope apparently if you can see the next steps page then you are garanteed to be in there just sending emails in waves theve only just sent 1st one out next should be tommorow or in couple days rember they have to do them 1 by 1 its not automated
Yeah accepting everyone 1 by 1 is a joke, the system really sucks. I'm a webdesigner and it really shouldn't be that difficult to add everyone to the forums... Just a couple of querys thats all. Edit: Ok... checking back in 2 hours later.
lol they should just make it where it just asks for gamertag and serial nothing more and has a limited number of places in a database and automatically adds people on first come first serve basis
Still nothing for me.. Boring.... Anyone else? I registered half an hour after the signups began. They really are behind. Still nothing *yawn*
Nothing 4 Me Either, Hopefully By Tomorrow Thread Closed Until Further Information Is Released To Prevent Spam.
The answer seems pretty obvious if you have to ask eh? Thread Closed until "actual info" comes up. So if anyone gets actual info instead of OMG CAN'T WAIT, PM me and i'll open the thread.
This stuff about console ID registration and emails seem fake to me. They will probrably start working again later tonight (UK time), they take SAT 'n' SUN off so I hope it is release atleast by friday.
Click on the connect website...Then press what happens next 10/17/11... it clearly states you will need to register your console at some point in the future.
Q. When do I register my console information? A. Soon, we will provide the instructions on how to register your console as soon as our administrative steps are done on our side. Look for updates via this portal.
Okay, "soon"... For me, soon means few hours, for them FEW FREAKING YEARS I guess... I just want this update now :/
My guess = public beta = 10 october. P.S = No mail for me, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
And how is this related to emails? I know what it says prior to you posting it here. It is irrelivant. They normally update midnight (UK time) I suggest checking in aroun 6-7 hours from now. It does seem to be taking longer than usual.