hey my xbox beta isnt showing up i did whaat cody said its like im not in the beta anymore, i go to connect.microsoft.com/xboxliveupodate and nada nothing
Why does that URL have the word QUIT in it? See here - LongURL | Expand URL I'm not touching it. Original Link Removed, Once on LongURL site do not click the link to go to the shortern URL because as you guessed, it will exit you out of the Dashboard Program - Nimrod.
I don't click on those unofficial links unless their in my email or on the connect.microsoft.com site. @GILLY nice discovery
Nope it's the link to QUIT the program, I'd advise anyone who wants early access & is still in the program NOT to click that link
For some reason he posts that and then closes his thread + blocks his wall,dirty tricks https://digiex.net/digiex/news-article-submission/9497-xbox-beta-released-get-now-4.html#post50781 @maxsalez I don't think there is a way to get back in.
If you quit by accident, maybe here in the directory you can rejoin https://connect.microsoft.com/directory/non-feedback. I can't tell if you lets you as I'm still in, but worth a look. I'm guessing it wont though as they've already closed the intake.
Okay Here Is Some New Information, Please Be Sure To Be Logged In To The Connect.Microsoft.com Website Before Clicking This Link Otherwise It Will Appear In Error. So First, Go To Microsoft Products Accepting Bugs and Suggestions | Microsoft Connect And Sign In With The Account You Are A Beta Tester With The Xbox Live BETA Program On, Then Click This Link (LINK REMOVED) Afterward, It Should Ask You To Login To You Xbox Live Account On The Console You Want To Use On The Beta. Afterward, It Will Tell You To Click Here Once You Are Signed On. It Will Automatically Detect The Console Information, Then Click Finish THIS IS UNSIGN ME FROM BETA TEST! YOU ******* IDIOT! I HOPE YOU CONSOLE WILL BE PERMANENTLY BANNED!!!! ***! FOGG! Edit by Nimrod - Link and Language Removal.
His email address is: Kody2011@Live.com (Thats kody2011 (at) live.com for anyone who finds the first post blanked) Straight from Admin Panel If people want to post his personal details, numbers and stuff up for general public view, your authorised. VeJLEXDK - Feel free to post his number if you know for sure its his.
I'll also provide the warning again so this doesn't happen again hopefully. NEVER click shortened links. If anyone sees a shortened link, report it so we can deal with it asap.
It's a valid point. The only time shortened links make sense is on Twitter due to its post limit. On the forums, there is never a reason to post a shortern link unless you want to hide its URL. Always keep that in mind.
Could someone who 'exit' the beta Try this link? It'll redo the survey, not sure if it'll re-accept you but worth a shot.