My Gamertag is: Ryan Stampton I play: Call Of Duty, Halo, Need For Speed, ect; (Please tell me your from digiex when you add me as a friend so i know who you are)
Gamertag: (PM Me For it) Games: Halo Reach/ODST/Halo 3, GTA IV, Crackdown 2, Forza 4, Battlefield Bad Company 2, and a few others. If you wanna play with me, just message me and ask me if i have that particular game, and i'll check if i do.
My Gamertag: Kemuli69 What do I play? I mostly play SSX and Forza 3 Feel free to add me on XBL, Thanks
I've changed my GamerTag to PhilMarck, yep, that same one from YouTube. My feedback on my profile is pretty low but well worth the rages I've heard from people. xD
Gamertag: Superpump1975 I play the newest Gears of War mostly as soon is it comes out for months or even years, Halo 3, and used to love Splinter Cell Double Agent online gameplay. Have played Hitman and Skyrim on my PS3 quite a bit too. Have played all the Call of Duty releasese's, Modern Warfare the Most, but Gears of War always gets me addicted very easily
Gamertag: DustyPale Rider I've not played any multiplayer games yet still plucking up the courage. I've just become an Xbox live gold member. Some games I have for PC but I've not played those multiplayer either. I have for Xbox: Red Dead Fable II Assassins Creed II, Brotherhood, Revelations, III Saints Row (debating on buying SR4) Dragon Age II Tomb Raider Explorer Edition
I've not played TR for a while been playing ASC3 and now playing Oblivion which hasn't got multiplayer. I need to play TR again, reminder before I go online but I will take your advice and start with that thanks.