For the month of April, Xbox Live Gold members will receive six new free games (double the normal amount) on Xbox One and Xbox 360 as part of the Games with Gold program. On Xbox One, Xbox Live Gold members can download Pool Nation FX ($13.99 ERP) AND Child of Light ($14.99 ERP) for free during the month of April. On Xbox 360, starting Wednesday, April 1st, Gears of War Judgement ($19.99 ERP) and Terraria ($14.99 ERP) will be free for Xbox Live Gold members through April 15th. Then on April 16th, Xbox Live Gold Members can download Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag ($19.99 ERP) and Army of Two The Devil’s Cartel ($19.99 ERP) for free through April 30th. Source Xbox Live Games with Gold for April 2015 - Double the Games - Xbox Live's Major Nelson
Some pretty good games on the Xbox 360 this month i must admit. Not too sure about the Xbox One games, however for free ill certainly download. Cheers for the heads up!