Xbox Live Update Preview Program Signup

Discussion in 'News and Article Submission' started by InsaneNutter, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England

    You can now signup for the Xbox Live Update Preview Program, if accepted in to the program you will be able to use the newest features coming to the 360 this fall before everyone else.

    To signup you’ll need to visit the Microsoft Connect site and sign in with your Windows LIVE ID that is connected to your Xbox LIVE Gamertag.

    Once you do that, you need to fill out the "Xbox LIVE Update Preview Sign Up" survey in order to be considered for receiving the Preview System Update. The Xbox team are asking a few questions about where you live, your home network, ISP connection and a few other pieces of information.

    After a review all of the applications will be done, if you’re selected you will be sent an email notifying you of your acceptance in the program. A couple of points before you head off to register:

    • The Xbox team are looking for multiple thousands of participants, so your chances of making it in are good
    • This opportunity is open to all Xbox LIVE Members in regions where Xbox LIVE is available.
    • Just completing the survey does not automatically get you access to the Preview Program.
    • While both box LIVE Gold and Silver members can sign up, Priority will be given to Gold members in the selection process.

    Good Luck!
  2. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    London, United Kingdom
    Registered, thank you sir!
  3. P.KID

    P.KID Addict

    Dec 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    ty for this nutty! :D
  4. Safinn

    Safinn Addict

    Aug 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    United Kngdom
    Ahh, thanks. Im signed up. It will be cool if we get in.
  5. AntiNaz

    AntiNaz Addict

    Dec 7, 2008
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    The Land of Ice and Snow
    if any of you get in, could you post a download for it?
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Im sure one of us will get it up, Digiex was the first website on the net to have the NXE last year.
  7. Safinn

    Safinn Addict

    Aug 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    United Kngdom
    I want to officially get in so I can connect to xbox live this time...
  8. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    If you couldn't connect to XBL whats the point? A lot of these features seem to need XBL or else you can't do much of anything.
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    Yep that’s true actually, I know last time it was a major upgrade to the old dash and worth installing but most of the new stuff this time will need live anyway.

    Hopefully we will all get in to the beta this time round, the signup link wasn’t posted at 2 in the morning this time anyway (Y)
  10. cardo69

    cardo69 Addict

    Dec 22, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
    Registered!! thanks nutter!!
  11. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I've been accepted into the program! ;) Though according to this email

    I've never extracted the update from the drive. Can anyone give me any information? That way once I get access to it, everyone on Digiex will also have access.

    New Features in the Xbox LIVE Update Preview

    Parties - (Available Now, US Only)

    Everyone loves to Party! Check out the new and improved party reconnections and streamlined party invites.

    Party Reconnections - If a user is disconnected from a party inadvertently, they will be automatically reconnected to the party without any user interaction

    Streamlined Party Invites - Invites are now just a click away! Never again will you have to navigate through multiple screens to get all your friends together.

    Account Management- (Available Now, All Regions)

    Been an Xbox LIVE member for a while? Check out some of the new features we've added just for you.

    Gold Member Veterans - Been here long? Show it off! Anyone looking at your gamer card will now know how long you’ve been an Xbox LIVE Gold member. And who knows, there might be other perks for you, too. Thanks for sticking around!

    Subscription Notification - If your Xbox LIVE subscription is about to run out, you will now be notified when you sign into Xbox LIVE. No more surprises the next time you hop in to frag your friends.

    Fixing Invalid WLID's - If the Winodws Live ID (WLID) you provided has expired, you will now be prompted to update it the next time you sign into Xbox LIVE. (This feature coming later in the Preview)

    Account Recovery - (Available Now, All Regions)

    Many changes have gone into the account recovery process to speed it up and to increase reliability.

    Avatars - (Available Now, All Regions)

    Avatars have seen lots of love! Check out the new Marketplace and Avatar Props.

    Avatar Props - You can now equip your avatar with animated items they can carry around and interact with.

    Avatar Marketplace - Reflect your sense of style with the new Avatar Marketplace. Download and purchase premium items, including branded apparel from your favorite fashion labels and Xbox 360 games.

    Netflix - (Available Now, US Only)

    Now you can watch movies with your friends and find new movies to add to your Instant Queue without leaving your seat.

    Party Watch - Catch a show with your friends! You can now bring your party into Netflix and watch a movie or TV show together.

    Find Content Faster - You can now browse through New Releases and other genre lists based on the types of shows you’ve previously watched, all from the comfort of your couch.

    Improved Playback Experience - Improvements have been made to ensure a better experience when adapting to changing network conditions.

    Improved Presence -Richer information is now displayed in the Friends channel and in the Guide showing what you and your friends are watching.

    Video Display Options – (Available Now, All Regions)

    Various improvements have been made to make it easier for you to see your game in the highest resolution possible when using an HDMI connection.

    Display Discovery - This feature allows you to override audio and/or video formats independent of the display's capabilities.

    How it works - By default, the console uses the information provided by the display (via its EDID) to determine the audio and video capabilities of the device. However, often the data is invalid or malformed, hence compatibility issues are encountered. When disabling display discovery, the EDID of the display is ignored, thereby, enabling the audio and video settings to be overridden with the desired format regardless of display support.

    Who should use it? - The Display Discovery feature is available for DVI and HDMI connections in the Display settings section of System Settings in the dashboard. Please note that Display Discovery should only be disabled if audio and/or video related compatibility issues are encountered - otherwise, the output quality may be compromised.

    Monitor Support - Additional monitor resolutions are now available for HDMI connections.

    User Ratings – (Available Now, All Regions)

    User ratings help you find content that other people think is awesome!

    How it works - Every piece of game content on Marketplace can now be rated using a 5-star system. Just open up the details on what you want to rate and chose the Rate button. Each time you press the Rate button, you add one star to your personal rating.

    Sort by Ratings - Now you can easily find great games that you might have missed out on. Just visit Browse All in either the Games or Video Marketplace and twist over to the Top Rated games to see what everyone’s been talking about.

    Games on Demand – (Coming later in the Xbox LIVE Update Preview, All regions)

    Enjoy the convenience of finding and buying new games right from your couch. You can now download full Xbox 360 games over Xbox LIVE.

    Purchase - You can purchase a game through the Game Marketplace and download it directly to your console. This purchase is also stored in your purchase history so you can delete it and download it again if you run out of space.

    Manuals - Game manuals will be available for these games on so that you will still have access to the full manual that comes with the boxed version of the game.

    Digital Rights Management (DRM) - Games on Demand titles follow the same licensing rights as all other forms of downloadable content. Users are granted a user license that will allow the purchasing Gamertag to play the game on any console, and a console license that will allow anyone to play on the console that the content was originally downloaded to. No physical disc is required to play these games!

    UI Improvements – (Available Now, All Regions)

    Some parts of the dashboard have been slightly re-organized to make it easier to find the things you’re looking for.

    Indie Games - We listened to our community and have decided to change Xbox LIVE Community Games to Xbox LIVE Indie Games. We feel this new name better represents the independent spirit of these titles. User ratings are also available for Indie Games, which will allow you to share your rating for a game and use ratings from others to find new content. We hope these changes will help people discover more games they love.

    Achievement Browser - You can now launch a game directly from the Achievement browser making it even easier for you to max out your Gamerscore.

    Achievement Tracking - A new All Games view inside the Profile panel includes a summary of Achievements earned across all the games played and shows off all your completed games.

    Achievements - Check out the changes to the Achievement browser while playing a game. It’s now much easier to read through all the achievements so you can rack up the Gamerscore faster.

    Streamlined Navigation - New entry points in the Dashboard for Active Downloads, Redeem Code, Auto Sign-In (via Profile), Create Profile, and Recover Gamer Tag, so that these features are much easier to find.

    Voice Messages - When recording a voice message, a warning is now displayed if no audio is detected so you don’t accidentally send blank messages to your friends.

    Console Settings – (Available Now, All Regions)
    We’ve reorganized the Console Settings menu with fewer, more intuitive categories.

    Memory - Time stamps now appear in the Memory Area. This is particularly handy when managing saved games.

    Friends List Sorting - It’s now much easier to find your friends! Sort your friends list by Activity, Gamertag, or Online Status (default). Just press the Y button while you’re viewing the friends list in the Guide to change the sorting order.
  12. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Also excepted (H)

  13. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I was just promted to update my console when attempting to launch 1 vs. 100!!! I will try extracting this from the drive if possible.
  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    Also got in and my console has also just updated, says ive been an Xbox Live subscriber for 3 years now in my gamercard, it also shows games you have all the achivements on.
    Off to bed now but I shall explore more tomorrow (Y)
  15. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Honestly there is no point. If people that have XBL do update it they won't be able to connect which would make it pointless. Though I guess maybe the people that don't have XBL may have a slight use for it.
  16. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    London, United Kingdom
    I was in the middle of a game of Gears and got forced off live for this update, glad I'm in but worst timing ever ;)
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    From what I can tell its nothing super amazing like the NXE and certainly not worth looseing live access for, most of the new features need live anyway so again pointless to install if you carnt use live. Would still be nice to have a download for those who want it though for what ever reason.
  18. KillerWhiteMan

    KillerWhiteMan Burnout Racer

    Jan 22, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Salinas, California, United States
    I'm glad I have not updated yet. From listening to you guys, it doesn't sound like it is worth losing access to Live. I think I may just wait.

    I just realized, no Burnout sessions for a while! Damn. I have 8 days off starting Friday and was hoping to get in some Freeburn Challenges.
  19. P.KID

    P.KID Addict

    Dec 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Welcome to the Xbox LIVE Preview on Connect!
    Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to the 2009 Xbox LIVE Update Preview.
    Welcome, and we are glad that you are on board!
    YES! :)

    UPDATE: dont see much diff, only in speed, avatar maarketplace, and party thingy.
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    Agreed, theres not actually much new so far in this. Its more like a few big fix’s and improvments, sounds like all the good stuff will be comming later on.

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