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Xbox Offline Xbox Live Downloadable Content [DLC] Installers

Discussion in 'Downloadable Content' started by Harcroft, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. tw3nz0r

    tw3nz0r Active Member

    Apr 3, 2010
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    I saw what you were playing last night and I'm jealous, I can't find that controller anywhere.
  2. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Sorry to hear about your guys loss. I hope you can find some solace knowing I'm not done yet. Will have a new Midtown Madness 3 installer up shortly. Expect an update in an hour or two.


    Looks like the DLC I was sent by NemVitzh is the same as the old DLC, but I'll re-create the installer anyway. Also anyone with dlc problems on your xbox from installers that work for other people. Check the date on your console. Most DLC has an activation date, if your xbox is set to it's production date the DLC will likely not work. If your date is set to the current date and it doesn't work. Set it back to 2007 or 2008 sometime and see if that fixes it.
  3. NemVitzh

    NemVitzh Active Member

    Apr 6, 2010
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    Interesting. Would I have to set it in the MSDash? And have to keep the date incorrect for it to continue working?

    Do you have any other idea why it wouldn't be working? I don't know how to manually edit the files for my Xbox, but it would be interesting to try. I really would like to get this stuff working .... I love MM3 :)

    It's one hell of a game. We're trying to play on Xlink Kai, but are having some issues thus far.
  4. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Could be virtual eeprom problems, locked to a console with a valid live account, the clock thing, region issues, badly patched default.xbe on a copied game, unknown FTP issue, lots and lots of unknown things that could cause it. If the date does fix it, then yes you'd have to keep it actively wrong for it to work.

    Please test this, let me know if it works, it now has NemVitzh's DLC. I no longer have the game, so I can't test.
    Midtown Madness 3 DLC, good luck with it.
    tw3nz0r likes this.
  5. cosmic smash

    cosmic smash Member

    Feb 10, 2010
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    Yeah I tested last night some games and it is indeed the End!!!

    Funny thing is, title updates were still working. I tried R6 and Unreal II on a box and it did a title update, but then trying to get DLC gives an error about no xbox live service.

    NemVitzh! I know him from the Steel Battallion boards!
    Cosmic Smash = AzelEdge
    Hi NemVitzh!!!

    Harcroft, I hope to have some more content for you. At least one of my xboxes has all the updates and free dlc from all the titles I own. I have a spreadsheet going, so you can see what you need. I think I'm just gonna rar the whole directory, and then you can tell me what xbe's you want me to send over.
  6. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Thanks cosmic smash, I guess I'm destined to be without sleep hehe.
  7. tw3nz0r

    tw3nz0r Active Member

    Apr 3, 2010
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    Wow, I wanna see that spreadsheet.

    And Harcroft, about the date issue you mentioned, I don't know why people like to have the wrong date. I have my dash set to XBMC with a SVN build from this month (April 2010) connected with the official wireless adapter, so I always have the correct date, I'll gladly test MM3 if I can find a copy tomorrow, I have a friend who wants to venture out three towns away to a GS.

    Edit: I went to the close one, found a Midtown Madness 3 and Fight Club disc, so I plan on testing those out tonight.

    Edit2: Neither game has working DLC, although I found Fight Club's hard drive protection scheme hilarious. Running original disc is just fine, but if I run it from the hard drive, it says it must be run from the original disc, only lets me access Arcade Mode, and I die in one hit, while my hits do nothing. Oh well, at least I tried, and you have me to test it with if we can find working content for these games.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2010
  8. NemVitzh

    NemVitzh Active Member

    Apr 6, 2010
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    hmmm, changing the time, the new installer, and running the game from the disc vs hard-drive made no difference.
  9. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Figured it wouldn't but thanks for trying NemVitzh. No idea honestly what the problem is. It's either a bad dlc set, or locked to gamertag, some hidden protection I haven't seen.

    Only way to be sure is to get the xbox1 gamertag the dlc came with.
    It's difficult to do but I have figured a way to copy it.

    Waiting on other dumps of Fight Club and MM3's dlc to compare. THe odd thing about MM3, is I even had it working before, since I had a copy of the game back then.

    I'll keep hunting for solutions, but I need people to keep sending in DLC.

    I have made a temp test installer for Fight Club that installs the music as an xbox based soundtrack, but it truncates the song names. It'l work for any game then, but it's not the "real deal" dlc.

    Let me know if you guys want that solution.
  10. tw3nz0r

    tw3nz0r Active Member

    Apr 3, 2010
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    I was going to mention this based on seeing the Exhibition discs have songs to install, and while I don't like the idea at all (as in I wanna see it work), I understand the reasoning, and I'll be glad to test it out for you now that I have the disc.

    Side note: This game is horrible. I only got it because it was $2 at GameStop with their current firesale of Xbox games and the fact that I have it to help out this project :P So I'll be keeping the disc to test anything you end up doing with the DLC but I won't be playing it otherwise ;)
  11. NemVitzh

    NemVitzh Active Member

    Apr 6, 2010
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    I did have my own gamertag (one I've used with the content I provided) on the xbox I attempted to install to.

    Sweet; Good to run into you! Play LOC lately?
  12. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    tw3nz0r I actually figured out the soundtrack thing from having an OXM disk with the halo 2 theme on it. Considered including it on the Halo 2 Installer (since that song was used for the ambient music). I did see some music on some of those exhibition disks too so I know what you mean.

    Yes I agree Fight Club was a joke, and doesn't work from the HDD, runs in "pirate mode" I guess. My dvd didn't work either until I got a modified xbe from 500amps. Thats what you get when you make a game based on a movie with a totally different premise.

    NemVitzh if you want to send it to me to test, you'd need an 8mb ms memory card (doesn't seem to work with other cards), and a way to connect it to your PC. Need to dump the entire contents of the memory card via a hexeditor so it can be copied to another card. Fun stuff eh?

    I still don't think this is the problem though, and would like more copies of the Fight Club DLC to compare, Midtown Madness 3 too, because I know 100% for a fact that that one worked before.

    Finally, AmyGrrl started on an excel file before that she never finished, if you guys and gals want to check it out any maybe work on it I certainly wouldn't object:)

    It's an internal list of info about the installers. Info about which content is in each pack, block count, update info etc could be easily added. Anyone feel like running with it?

    Attached Files:

  13. tw3nz0r

    tw3nz0r Active Member

    Apr 3, 2010
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    Bah, I'm starting to run out of room :P I have about 25 installers left to use, and about ~150mb left on E: Have you figured out any kind of TDATA redirection Harcroft? It sucks I have a 320gb and can't utilize more to DLC.
  14. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    You can't use them all at once, there's just too much DLC, and too little space on E. I wouldn't even know where to begin finding a way to redirect the kernel to F. That would require kernel patches that I know nothing about.
  15. NemVitzh

    NemVitzh Active Member

    Apr 6, 2010
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    I have an action replay and the live account on the memory card, but I don't know how to use a hexeditor to copy the card. Is there a tutorial you can point me to?
  16. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    I would have to write you one:) Let me dig out my parts and I'll attempt to do it myself again, been a long time since I did any of that.
  17. NemVitzh

    NemVitzh Active Member

    Apr 6, 2010
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    Thanks a ton. BTW, here is my UDATA. Perhaps that is connected in some way? I messed around with the installer/game quite a bit this morning again but had no luck. :(

  18. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    I need TDATA folders, the Udata folder is savegames, profiles, and settings files.

    What installer/game did you play with? Fight Club? MM3?
  19. NemVitzh

    NemVitzh Active Member

    Apr 6, 2010
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    mm3 :)
  20. johnscrub

    johnscrub Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    I am sorry if this has been covered ,,,but i looked and did not see.i may have missed it,i have a softmodded xbox,which recently ive started playing halo 2.I have downloaded and ftp to my app folder.the dlc for halo 2 and swbf2.I completely deleted everything for these games from ms dashboard,reinstalled the games to my hard,even tried playing from the disc...but for the life of me i cannot get the extra maps to show up in either game.i am in usa,so not pal.it will install the game variants and the map packs do show up if go to ms dashboard and look for them in saves.I would greatly appreciate any help at all..thank you

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