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XBR Reboot - Hacked kernel / dashboard for Xenon, Zypher, Falcon & Jasper(16mb) 360's

Discussion in 'Apps (PC)' started by Hoffman, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
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    XBReboot is an image you can flash to the Xbox 360's onboard NAND that will allow you to 'reboot' a JTAG-exploitable 360 in a patched 8955 kernel which makes XDK homebrew possible (unsigned XEXs and so on).

    Basic how to:

    1) Extract KV and Config blocks from orig.bin
    nandpro orig.bin: -r16 rawkv.bin 1 1
    nandpro orig.bin: -r16 rawconfig.bin 3de 2

    2) Inject those blocks into XBR.bin
    nandpro XBR.bin: -w16 rawkv.bin 1 1
    nandpro XBR.bin: -w16 rawconfig.bin 3de 2

    3) Flash result
    nandpro lpt: -w16 XBR.bin

    Its recommended you check Xbox-Scene and read up about what you are doing, in the future I might create a detailed guide for Digiex, I don’t have time at the moment.

    Download XBR for Xenon Consoles

    Download XBR for Zephyr Consoles

    Download XBR for Falcon Consoles

    Download XBR for Jasper Consoles

    XBR Xenon console read me:

    XBReboot Block Layout:

    Ox00 - 0x2F 4548 boot FW
    0x30 - 0x3F Backup Xell
    0x40 - 0x4F XBRfw.bin Rebooter core
    0x50 - 0xBF Patch.bin Kernel and patches
    0xC0 - 0x?? Flash file system

    Version: XBRfw 0.5beta Initial
    The fw version need not change for any given Patch.bin

    Patch.bin is what needs to change for any new patch
    The following are Patch.bin versions

    8955_0: Initial
    Don't need xextool:
    automatically detect correct key for dev or retail xex.
    Drag and drop any xex to cdr.
    No specific secdata.bin or crl.bin requirements.

    Add support for PIRS
    Fixed Backup Xell


    1) Extract KV and Config blocks from orig.bin

    nandpro orig.bin: -r16 rawkv.bin 1 1
    nandpro orig.bin: -r16 rawconfig.bin 3de 2

    2) Inject those blocks into XBR.bin

    nandpro XBR.bin: -w16 rawkv.bin 1 1
    nandpro XBR.bin: -w16 rawconfig.bin 3de 2

    3) Flash result

    nandpro lpt: -w16 XBR.bin


    There is no need to unpack and repack pirs files!
    This is a limitation of freeboot. Not XBR.
    Aside from that major difference, all functionality is the same.

    Individual sections can be updated or extracted seperately using nandpro.

    The image can be made to work for all 16M consoles.

    The standard method of using build.py can be used to change the
    4548 boot FW portion of the flash to the console type.


    Create the image as described above.
    The command to rebuild it might look like this:

    build.py XBR.bin CB CD update.bin xell-1f.bin XBRfw.bin smcp.bin

    Then the .ecc file result from build.py would be "flashed" back into the XBR

    nandpro XBR.bin: -w16 image_00000000.ecc

    Attached Files:

    ZimHB123 and P.KID like this.

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