So lets clarify a few things. I have a 4GB Xbox 360. With a few Flash Drives, I have a 16GB flash drive that I use for game installs like GTAV, Ghosts, etc. Beginning of the story is. I had recently gotten a virus on my computer called Trojan.Miner. I researched it, and I guess it's part of the Bitcoin thing, Which until now had no clue it even existed. Well, for starters. I had my AV clean it up, because it was attached to Minecraft, that failed. Once that file was removed, it attached it's self to another file. So, I worked 7 hours on this to no avail. I decided to take my flash drive, boot up Ubuntu, moved all the RAW data files over to my external HDD. At this point I didn't realise how annoying and a headache this was gonna be/give. So I put Windows onto the flash drive, reinstalled everything, and then here comes the problem. How do I get the files back on, seeing as I cannot move it to the flash drive after I even formatted the drive back to the 360 format. I've tried this: but whenever I use the xtaf program it just freezes up and crashes. I tried Horizon, but it doesn't recognize it. I had to delete out a game install on my 32GB flash to get GTAV back on there. I only have 16 data files. I can move then individually. But once I get up to 4 it wont and crashes, 5 moved fine, and 6+ wont go. So I am hoping none of them are corrupted. I did have a fully completed save of GTAV on this too. So it really sucks. How can I get this to work? Thank you!
Try using Party Buffalo Drive Explorer. I think you should be able to explore your data by going to File>Open>Open Dump. If you can do this simply extract the saves / content you wish to keep, then inject them in to a fresh usb drive which has been configured by the Xbox 360.
It got to Data0016 and then this happened: Out of Xbox 360 hard disk space at CLKsFATXLib.Folder.CreateNewFile(String Path) at CLKsFATXLib.Folder.InjectFolder(String FolderPath, Boolean MergeFolders, Boolean OverwriteFiles) at Party_Buffalo.Forms.EntryAction.<EntryAction_HandleCreated>b__0() This is the same Flash drive as I have been using. 16GB. and the folder is 14.9GB EDIT: I put the USB in, the xbox recognises it, but there are no saved games or anything else in it. I'm guessing it's because Data0016 is needed to complete it?
Can you not open the files up on the PC and simply try extract the saves out of the files like that? In Party Buffalo go - File > Open > Custom Backup Path. That way you have the saves which can be injected in to a newly configured USB drive.
No, once I got to 16 it said it was to full. I just took the loss and reinstalled the games onto it, and had to start GTAV over. I mean I still have the files on my computer, just in case I get another flash drive.