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XeLL Updater 1.1 for freeBOOT

Discussion in 'Libxenon Homebrew / Jtag & Reset Glitch Content' started by InsaneNutter, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    XeLL Updater for freeBOOT - v1.1
    For Kernel 9199, 12611, 12625 and 13146
    Based on Dashlaunch installer by cOz

    Download XeLL Updater 1.1 for freeBOOT 9199, 12611, 12625 and 13146

    What is this:

    This little tool is needed to update XeLL in Flash/NAND properly. The freeBOOT/fbBuild Rebooter has a different layout compared to XBR or pure-XeLL images so the XeLL binary isn't at the beginning of a NAND Block anymore.

    Using the old updslot0/updslot1-Method (which worked on XBR and XeLL Images just fine) you would render your freeBOOT console non-booting (until you reflash it externally of course).

    This application however works for freeBOOT/fbBuild :) It reads the specific part of the NAND, injects the XeLL binary and writes the blocks back.

    Use it on Single-NAND freeBOOT only (9199, 12611, 12625 and 13146).

    How to use?

    1. Rename xell-2f.bin to updxell.bin and stuff it together with the default.xex on your xbox.
    2. Execute the XEX and confirm the update.
    3. Shutdown your XBOX, press eject to power on and you will be greeted with an updated XeLL :P

    /!\ As every other tool that modifies NAND: Use it at your own risk /!\

    Greetz to cOz (and his strong nerves ;D), Cancerous, Redline99, GliGli, Ced2911, Razkar, Nathan and the whole team :)

    18.06.2011 / tuxuser

    Attached Files:

  2. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    I take it I shouldn't use this on my Cygnos360?
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I dont think (could be wrong) it would be any different on a Cygnos360, it would update Xell on the Nand in use I presume.

    Backup your nand and try it, the worst that can happen is you need to flash your backup via USB.

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