Your Gaming History!

Discussion in 'Gaming Hangout' started by Trebor, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. Trebor

    Trebor Dolphin Fan

    Jun 1, 2007
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    West Yorkshire
    So where did you come from in the world of videogames? Did you grow up with an Atari, Mega Drive (Genesis) or N64? Tell me your game history so we can know a little bit more about you all and get some interesting discussion flowing.

    As for me, the first piece of gaming tech I had was an Amiga. I loved it, playing Cannon Fodder, Boulder Dash and Desert Strike. Most of the games were top notch, all time classics.

    Then I got a Mega Drive and if you read my post on my favourite games you know how much of an impact this console had on me. Aside from Sonic the other games I enjoyed on the system were Zool, Quackshot, Castle of Illusion (Mickey Mouse), Rayman, Flashback, Road Rash, James Pond and Golden Axe to name a few.

    Anyone heard of MegaMan, Pokemon, Metroid, Zelda or even Tetris? Well I’m sure you’re aware that most of these games had a big impact on the Gameboy and that was my first handheld console. I loved how I could take it anywhere with me, the games were fantastic and road trips never had to be boring ever again.

    Next up was the PC. We got one in 1996 and me and my Bro loved playing a pinball game called Tilt. Since then I have almost always had a PC and enjoyed a multitude of games from Age Of Empires to World of Warcraft. My current obsessions are UT2004 and Audiosurf. I don't love any other games on the PC more than what Valve has released. The first time I played Half Life 1 I was blown away and the first time I played Half Life 2 I was utterly stunned at how good it was (we don't go to Ravenholm anymore).

    After that I pretty much followed my mates on what I bought next. The first console I got in the 21st century was the GBA. TBH most of the games I liked were ports from the SNES such as all the Mario advanced games but there were a few stand out games on the GBA: Golden Sun, Mario Kart, Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga, Metroid Fusion and the Sonic Advanced games.

    My first 21st century console was the GameCube. At the time I bought it, people were saying there weren’t any good games for it and that it was a waste of money to own one. Here’s a list of GC games I own, have played and enjoyed, to refute that notion of thought: Eternal Darkness Sanity’s Requiem, Viewtiful Joe, Zelda the Windwaker, Zelda Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 1 + 2, Mario Kart Double Dash, Super Smash Bros Melee and Resident Evil 4. Other games I have played include F-Zero GX and the Sonic Adventure Games.

    Next up was the Xbox. I bought this in 2005 and obviously got Halo 1 and 2 which I liked a lot. Not having Xbox Live at the time and playing Halo 2 online with friends was a pain but once it was working it was great! The only other game I really liked for the Xbox was Fable.

    Stay tuned for more….
  2. Assassin

    Assassin Addict

    Dec 9, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    You've played on a lot of systems! For my history, it started with an MSX. The game I remember playing the most was a game called Athletic Land (or Atlant as we called it, since that's what the casette said). It had a green screen so now colors. My brother also had an Atari Lynx (which is kind of like a Gamegear). I had this other handheld called a SuperVision. It had these cartridges which fit into the cartridge slot of the MSX, and since I was young I though I could play the games on the MSX, yet by putting a cartrige in, I destroyed the thing.

    So at that point we got our first PC, a 486. The PC is really all I played on untill I got a GBA very much later. I got a lot of old shareware CDs which introduced me to a lot of old DOS games. Most people grew up with a NES and SNES and there's a lot of sites devoted to those games, it's too bad there's not many devoted to DOS games, appart from abandonware sites.

    Like I said, after that I got a GBA, along with Golden Sun, which I had played on an emulator before and really liked. At that point I really started appreciating Nintendo. I got a Gamecube with Metroid Prime and Pikmin (but didn't get a memory card, since I thought it would come with the console, so the first month I played the games from the start over and over, since I didn't have the money to buy a memory card). Nowadays, all I really play is on PC. I don't have any of the new consoles. The Wii doesn't interest me enough to get, and there's not a lot of games on it I like. The PS3 seems cool, but also not a lot of games and it's expensive, though the games it does have are pretty cool. For the Xbox360, it's been out for a while now and I think it's too late to get one now. Appart from that, most games on Xbox360 come to PC as well, so I'll just stick with my PC for now.
  3. Safinn

    Safinn Addict

    Aug 27, 2008
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    United Kngdom
    My proper gaming history started about 1 year ago when i purchased an xbox 360! Previous i had a PS2 which I rarely went on and I had like 4 games. It was just for when I was bored. Also I mess around on the computer by playing games such as Warrock and Runescape (quit a while ago).
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2008
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Trebor and Assassin has inspired me to share my gaming history, I think I’ve got a bit carried away but for anyone who is interested I hope you enjoy.

    The Beginning
    Compared to other people my age I was a late starter when it comes to gaming, the first computer we owned was an Amiga 500 which I think we got that in the Summer of 1994. Before that a few of my friends in School owned a Sega MegaDrive and I used to love playing Sonic, Sonic 2 and Golden Axe on the MegaDrive.

    The Amiga 500 (With 1MB of Ram)
    This is where my gaming history really started

    The Amiga we got was from my cousin, It came with two massive disk box’s fill of games, I enjoyed so many of them I was still finding games I hadn’t played a year after we got the Amiga. I remember the day I discovered The Chaos Engine, I don’t know what it was about that game but I really was addicted to it. I remember coming home from school, doing my homework then my friend who lived down the road use to come up and we would spend hours playing a co-op game on it. We eventually after many games we made it to the 4th and final world where we were gutted to find out the Amiga wouldn’t read the disk, we tried everything to get the disk to work but sadly it just wasn’t having it, I have never to this day complicated the game (although it’s something I’m really going to have to do at some point) It was impossible to find a copy of the game in any shops back then so I had to move on and find a new favourite game.

    I enjoyed many games on the Amiga, off the top of my head I remember Lemmings, Lemmings 2 The Tribes, James Pond and Robocod 2, The Chaos Engine, Desert Strike, Jungle Strike, Putty, Worms, Lotus Turbo Challenge 2, Crazy Cars 3, Skidmarks and The Settlers, That was my next big game on the Amiga and the game to get me interested in strategy games, I remember with an extra mouse you could play 2 players split screen on it. I remember spending many Saturdays with the Amiga hooked up to the big front room TV playing the Settlers on split screen, I played that game for months on end along with Worms, worms was another big game as you could play it with up to 4 people so it was great to play with friends. In 1998 we got a PC and the Amiga didn’t really get much attention anymore.

    Some of my old Amiga games, I’m quite sure I have more somewhere but I could only find thise in the bottom of my cupboard.

    The PC
    In 1998 we our first PC! The pc ran Windows 98 and was a Pentium 2 @ 300mhz, 128MB of Ram, 4mb Ati Graphics Card, Sound Blaster AWE32 Soundcard and an 8.4gb hard drive I was told we would never be able to fill, We ended up having so many games we filled it and had to get a 13gb hard drive the next summer, at some point around this time we also got a Voodoo 3200 graphics card which allowed me to play some 3dfx Games! But sadly that was incompatible with my motherboard for some reason I can’t remember (caused a lot of Bsod’s) so we ended up with a 32mb Geforce 2 MX.

    Anyway the games, the first game I owned on PC was Croc Legend of the Gobos, I remember been amazed at how much better the graphics were compared to my friends version of the game on the Playstation. I soon discovered many amazing PC games including Carmageddon 2, Red Alert which I thought was amazing, I still don’t think any of the Red Alert games best the first one! The Settlers 2, ( could never work out how to get Windows to support 2 mouses, this game said it supported a second mouse for 2 players but both mouses ended up controlling the same cursor in the game... although I enjoyed the game it didn’t get anywhere near as much attention as the first because of this.) I remember having a demo cd with had demos of Age of Empires, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, and Quake 2 on it three games i played the demo to death on, I remember Age of Empires was like the next big game to me when we finally got the proper game, I remember myself and some friends used to take it in turns to build a big empire and destroy the computer in skirmish games. One day in PC world I remember finding a copy of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 The Secret Files, I was amazed as I had been wanting to play the full version of this game for ages so i purchased that and played the game to death, then i got playing with the level editor and made many levels for the game, I still have them in a folder some where today :)

    Anyone remember when PC games came in massive boxs?

    Internet Gaming
    In 1999 we got the internet, back then it cost a few pence a minute to dial up and I remember i spent about an hour playing Age of Empires on the MSN Gaming Zone, when my mum found out she wasn’t impressed and banned me from playing games online because it cost too much and was a waste of money. (I remember the first phone bill we got after that wasn’t pretty and I was only allowed to use the internet for about an hour a week) About a year later in 2000 we got Freeserve unlimited anytime dialup and I started playing Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Online which I played for several years, no games really got any attention when was playing this, I remember been amazed I was playing a game with my friend up the road as well as with people from the Netherlands, America and Australia. My gaming history kind of stop’s here for a while as I got really interested in the Internet and how computers actually worked. (I could go off topic a lot here but I won’t)

    The GameCube
    In 2002 I was really wanting to play some new games but our PC just wasn’t powerful enough to cope with the newest games, So I got a GameCube which was the first console I ever owned. I was amazed by the graphics on and loved played Sonic Adventure Battle 2 and Tony Hawks 3 on it, Later on I got James Bond, Smash Brothers Melee and Mario Kart for the cube, after Mario Kart no new games released for the cube really interested me so I went back to been a PC gamer as I recently just built my first pc so I was able to play all the new games on the PC.

    My Gamecube Collection.

    The Xbox
    In 2004 I purchased an Xbox, I didn’t buy the Xbox for its game’s I was more interested in how it could be hacked to run homebrew applications and be used to play Xvid and other media on your TV using Xbox Media Center. The only games I really played on the Xbox were Halo and Halo 2, I thought the PC had far better games at the time. I did enjoy playing Halo 2 on the internet using Xb Connect and Xlink Kai... at the time I thought it was a rip off paying £40 a year for Xbox Live just so I could play Halo 2 online.

    The Xbox 360
    At the end of 2005 I get caught up with all the hype about Xbox 360 been released, I pre ordered one from Amazon and was one of the lucky few to actually get one from them on launch day, I was amazed how I could talk to people over Xbox Live when playing any Xbox 360 game. I remember brining up the guide and starting a voice chat with a friend and he was able to guide me through beating a boss on Kamio which I was stuck on.

    I really liked the whole achievements idea the Xbox 360 had and it became quite addictive doing things you normally wouldn’t do in games just to try and get the achievement. The other thing that impressed me about the 360 was you could look at your friends list and hop in to a multiplayer game with any of your buddies, I was also impressed how you could see what game’s your friends were playing and where in the game they actually were.

    I think at this point I became more of a console gamer than a Pc gamer, a lot of my friends were console games anyway and I was able to play online with them for the very first time. Another reason I was more interested in consoles was that the 360 was getting all the games I wanted to play such as Gears of War, Carckdown, Halo 3, Burnout and the many arcade games I enjoyed playing such as Bomberman, Heavy Weapon, Geometry Wars and old Classics such as Golden Axe.

    My 360 Collection.

    It was also the first time in my opinion consoles had PC quality graphics, after getting a 360 I didn’t really bother upgrading my pc anymore until the end of 2007... I didn’t see the point as it was fine for everything I used it for and the 360 filled all my gaming needs.

    Handheld Gaming
    Over the years I have owned a few hand held consoles such as the Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Advanced, Ngage, PSP and Nintendo DS. I don’t really think any of these console had a significant impact on my gaming history. I did spent quite a lot of time playing Pokemon on the Gameboy back in the day ;) but apart from that I’ve mainly used them for long car or train journeys.

    My phones and handhelds (not sure where the gameboys are at the moment)

    I hope you enjoyed reading this, it took me quite a while to write and I know it’s a bit of an Essay (word is telling me 1600+ words) but I thought this was a very interesting topic and found it interesting looking back over the games and consoles I have played on over the years.

    I hope more people will post there gaming histories :)
  5. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    WOW Insanenutter, that's impressive. I normally sell or give away my old games. I never collect them cause I know there will soon be a new game out soon I'll like better. However my gaming history is quite large also. I've had every console before. The only main games I liked in the old days were banjo kazooie and donkey kong.

    EDIT: I'll post my history as soon as I get some time. Though like I said I normally sell or give away my old games and consoles. Therefore I'll try to post some pictures but most of it will only be a list.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2008
  6. Trebor

    Trebor Dolphin Fan

    Jun 1, 2007
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    West Yorkshire
    Post your gaming history then xzKinGzxBuRnzx. We're a curious (nosy?) bunch and don't mind how long it is. Heck I still need to talk about the other console and handhelds I have. I'll give the forum and my gaming history a proper going over tonight :D.
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I thought I would bump this up to encourage other members to reply and remind Trebor that he needs to finish his original post, it’s quite a unique idea for a topic (Y)

    What consoles have you owned then King?
  8. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Sorry everyone for it taking so long to post this reply. As I'm busy making a trainer, working, makin a site, going places with friends, then sometimes play games on PC and 360. Though my gaming history would start with the Nintendo NES. I don't really remember everything, cause i was just to little. Though on the NES I had Mario, Mortal Kombat, Zelda, Mega Man, Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Star Wars, Prince of Persia. I think thats all for NES, I might remember more sometime. For Nintendo 64 was an even better expirence for me, as there keep getting better with graphics all the way in till what we have today, PS3 and 360. Though the N64 games I had were The legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Banjo Kazooie, Star Fox, GoldenEye 007, Paper mario, Banjo Tooie, Mortal Kombat, Superman, Diddy Kong Racing, Spiderman, Doom, Pokemon, Yoshi Story, Gauntlet Legends, Tarzan, Castlevania, NFL, Command and Conquer, NBA, Nascar, Looney Tunes, Pacman. Now the xbox and PlayStation. The xbox I never really did play that much. I was more of the playstation guy. The ONLY game i had for xbox was Blood Omen 2. Lol, that console I sold right after buying I believe. The PlayStation was a little popular. As the first time I played with one of those was when my school was expiramenting with console learning. They would give us some kind of learning CD and a console, We were to play it as if it were homework. Lol, that was great. Though the school didn't do it for to long. Cause of people parents selling there consoles and them always getting broken. Though if they had the money it would of been a great idea. As any kid would rather play a game than do homework. The only games I got for it were Final Fantasy 8 and Legend of Dragoon. We mostly played the ones the school gave us till they wanted the console back. Even though I never returned mine I pawned it shorty after. Then came the Playstation 2. This one was a big hit for me. I had almost every game for it. I had, GTASA, GTAVC, God of war, God of war II, Dragon Ball Z, WWF, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear, Ghost Recon, Need for speed, Mortal Kombat, Madden, Star Wars, Devil may cry, Dynasty Warriors, Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman, Jak 3, Prince of Persia, YoGiOh, Ace Combat, Battlefield 2, Transformers, Hitman, Tony Hawk, Call of duty, Driv3r, Digimon, Socom, MX VS ATV, Batman, SSX3, Baldurs gate, Onimusha, Sly 3, Crash Bandicoot, Destory All Humans, Armored Core, Harry Potter, The Sims, Spyro, Soul Reaver 1,2, Sonic, Tom Clanceys, Crash Nitro Cart, Superman, Soul Calibur, Def Jam Vandetta, crash twinsanity, Tomb Raider, X-Men, 007, Lord of the Rings, King Kong, Enter the Matrix, Age of Empires, Pacman, Legacy of Kain, Midnight Club, Summoner, MotoGP, Godzilla, NFL Street, Spawn, Unreal Tournament, Burnout, and much more that I can't remember. Finally I got a PC and starting buying alot of good games for it. As you can see I don't have alot of 360 games. The video game rental store is right down the road so I mostly just rent them. Though for 360 I own Gears of War, All-Pro Football 2k8, Shadowrun, Call of Duty 4, Madden 09, Halo 2 (Xbox). For PS3 I have Battlefield Bad Company, GTA 4, DMZ, Assassins Creed. I also mostly rent games for this console. However my brother has the PS3 so no pictures.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
  9. DyNaMiiXx

    DyNaMiiXx Elite Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Wow nutter that is a huge essay, I will post my history soon try and get some pictures soon
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Nice history there king, your Gears for Windows box is huge compared to the one over here! Do you get anything apart from the DVD inside it?

    Hope to see yours snoon Dynamiixx.
  11. DyNaMiiXx

    DyNaMiiXx Elite Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    First of all I started out on a Tiny PC which had Windows 98 on it but mac also installed. I played all of the games on the mac and my favourite one was a game called Nanosaur
    [Not my screenshot].

    I also played a few other games but I can't remember what. We then got Tomb Raider and me and my sister were hooked on it, even though we was rubbish at it we just took this piss out of the old guy on it who used to fart all the time and locked him in the fridge. Then came the dial up internet, I used to rack up a huge bill playing internet games and my parents ended up having to restrict it.

    I then became interested in console gaming after getting a sega megadrive off my childminder when I was ill, I used to play sonic all the time and completed it loads of times.

    Then one Christmas to my excitement I recieved a PS1: [​IMG]
    I used to play on it all the time and eventually we got it chipped because my dad knew someone at work who knew where to get copied games from. I was hooked and was on it all the time, games like Smackdown, Spyro and Tony Hawks were my favourite.

    Next came the PS2 I was addicted to playing Fifa on it when my mates came round and again I like Tony Hawks.

    Time for Broadband: It was arround 2004 that we purchased a new computer and alongside that we also got tiscali broadband, I was amazed at the speed difference between that and Dial Up. I spent hours on Miniclip and my sister got me addicted to sims.

    XBOX!:After a few years of sticking with the PC and PS2 I decided it was time to make a leap to the next generation of consoles as a lot of my mates had them. So I decided to save up for an Xbox. Christmas 07 was a lucky time for me as my Birthday and Christmas were only 4 days away from eachover plus I have a paper round with 120+ houses so I ended up making £150 frome that and an extra £200 pounds from birthday and christmas so I made £350 within 2 weeks. On boxing day I went out and bought my xbox, and had to put my xbox on my floor so the router would reach to go on xbox live so there was a mass of wires on the floor :|.

    Games I played included NFS Pro Street and Smackdown vs Raw, which I enjoyed and I also lent Halo and Assasins Creed of a neighbour. However all my mates played Call of Duty 4 so I went out and bought that, and have been hooked on it ever since.

    Some of my gaming history in pictures:
    Teh PS1-
    Teh Gamecube[Yes I had one but only played one game]-
    Xbox and teh games[Yes I haven't got much maybe cos I'm addicted to COD4, getting Gears 2 and World at war soon]
  12. Guranga

    Guranga Member

    Dec 12, 2007
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    ouch, wall of text thread? I'll keep things simple.



    lolz, not much of a console gamer now.
  13. DyNaMiiXx

    DyNaMiiXx Elite Member

    Nov 2, 2008
    Likes Received:
    LOL @ teh IBM
  14. MunkyMagikUK

    MunkyMagikUK Digiex Blogger

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Huddersfield, United Kingdom
    Guranga man, those speakers are SWEET!
  15. DyNaMiiXx

    DyNaMiiXx Elite Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Yeah they are xD
  16. Trebor

    Trebor Dolphin Fan

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    West Yorkshire
    Great gaming history there DyNaMiiXx and the quote above made me ROFL as that's one of the first things I did when I played Laras mansion :D.
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    Nice post DyNaMiiXx, Tomb Raider 2... the best Tomb Raider game ever in my eyes.

    Is that an LCD screen on your keyboard there Guranga?
  18. Jack86

    Jack86 Member

    Nov 14, 2008
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    My first contact with video games was in nearby arcade when i was 5 or smtn, and had handheld tetris at that time, then a year or two after that i got sega mega drive ( mostly playing MK, Power Rangers, TMNT etc) and GB ( i remember playing fifa98, turok, bubble trouble) then i got PS1 and played hundred of games on it ,some of them i play today over epsxe, after that came PS2, my last console, when i got bored with it i played on PC, only 2,3 years when i played games on PC, mostly counter strike. Now im not so mush into serious games, usualy play some flash games for hour or two for old times sake.
  19. DyNaMiiXx

    DyNaMiiXx Elite Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Thought I was the only one :-$, I used to laugh so much but then he randomly appeared somewhere else, I also used to push him in the pool
  20. stument

    stument Resident

    Aug 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Totally Agree!!! <:o)

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