Who honestly didn't lock the guy in the walk-in Fridge on Tomb Raider 2? [video=youtube;hIhuwWKAoUQ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIhuwWKAoUQ[/video]
My gaming history began with the PC. My grandfather was in on the early years of the development of the PC and pushed me toward them at a young age. When I was 6 he helped me build my first PC. It was a 286 that ran at a whopping 12 mHz. We put 2 20 Mb HDD's in it and swore it would never be full. It had 640 Kb of RAM with another 2 MB that I would constantly have to use Memmaker to switch from Extended to Expanded and vice versa depending on the game I wanted to play. I had a subscription to some shareware service that would mail me a new 5 1/4" floppy disk once per month. After a couple of months 3.5" disks took off and we marveled at how they had gotten smaller yet contained more data. Games I remember would be Kingdom of Kroz, some black and white slot machine, and hours spent learning how to write a batch file for DOS that would let me pick a game from a simple menu system. Prior to that, my parents had an Intellivision. I was rarely able to play it, but I do remember having fun with Football, Baseball, Truckin, and Dracula. We also had the little adapter that you plugged in and made the system "talk". We had the bomb squad and space game for the speech unit. I remember how bad the voice sounded. Kind of like trying to talk while sucking in air. On the Christmas of my 7th birthday the NES was released. I remember crying my eyes out because my aunt got me 3 games for the system, but not the console itself. My grandfather thought it would be funny to hide the console behind the tree and save it for last. I remember getting Red Baron and playing the crap out of it that day. Since then, I have made it my mission to own every console released in the US. The only ones I have missed to this point are the PS3, PSP, Neo-Geo Pocket, Wii, and 3DO. I have had a Sega Master system, TG16, Atari 7800, Game Gear, Genesis, SNES, Sega CD, Turbo Grafx CD, Neo-Geo, Neo-Geo CD, every Game Boy released, Virtual Boy, Jaguar, PS, Saturn, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube, Xbox, and the 360. Of all of the I would have to say that my favorite was the original Xbox. It had a great line up and with the advent of softmods you could do almost anything with it and never once open the system.
I loved locking Lara's butler in the freezer ! He was quite creepy the way he followed you around all the time.
I remember this thread, my Xbox 360 game collection has pretty much doubled in size looking at the pics... if not more lol Puff3r, sounds like you really did start early with computers! 12 mHz, 640 Kb of RAM and 2x 20MB harddrives! thats just crazy, i bet that cost a ridiculous amount back then too!
As I remember the whole system clocked in just under $2000.00. I will never forget waiting in line to buy a copy of Windows 2.0. Then, when 3.1 came out and was on 11 5 1/4" disks. It was kind of nice back then. Only people who KNEW how to use a computer even came near one. Not like now. I used to work for HP as a tech. I honestly had a customer call me once saying that their mouse was defective. After an hour of troubleshooting it turns out that they were trying to click on icons by physically pushing the mouse against the monitor. I wanted to cry. /end of thread hijack.
My gaming history began in 1996, when we had our first PC. I remember the first games I played were Dangerous Dave, Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure and Duke Nukem 2. The PC was old and crappy, the only thing about it that I can remember right now is that the CPU was 386 and that my friend managed to install Windows 98 on it, making work on that PC impossible lol. In 1999 I managed to find an Atari 2600 lying in the trash with 6 cartridges and I took it home (Wouldn't want something like that to be wasted, right?) so I spent some time playing Kaboom, Pitfall, Pong, Breakout, Pacman and H.E.R.O... We bought a substitute PC in 2002, I still remember that old piece of junk: an AMD Duron CPU, 256 MB of RAM, Radeon 7500 Video Card (I think it had 64 MB in it, though I don't remember this...) and a 40 GB hard-drive. The first game I tried on it was Hitman: Codename 47, which I successfully replayed this year. Later, in 2003, my parents bought me a Game Boy Color for playing on road trips. Even though the GBA was selling great at that time, GBC was cheaper and games for it costed 8-10$, compared to 30-40$ for GBA. I still replay Zelda games on a GBC emulator sometimes, because I gave away my console to my relatives in Syberia. They needed it more than I do now My next PC (And my last one at the moment) was an Acer Aspire 3025WLMi laptop, which really started getting on my nerves since last year, and now it's lying in my room, with a non-fully installed OS on it, and I can't fix anything because neither do my CD drive work, nor my BIOS support USB booting...
Ok a some impressive histories. Mine well it started with a Dicksmith Machine ( in 1977-78 ) it was very basic and as I was born in '73' the only game I remember from it was barrel jump. Very simple you had a motor bike and had to jump barrels, wow the game play From there I went to the Atari 2600, space invaders, Pole Position, Missle Commander, Asteroid to name a new. It coincided with the arcade popularity were Joust, and later 1942 were big draw cards however I was never given the money to play them. I grew up in country Australia so we were along way behind the cities at that point. And my town was just a dust cloud in the middle of no-where so 1 TV channel and absolutely nowhere to get games until you went to the city which was 1000 km away. A friend however did have a Vic 20 ( the poor and early cousin of the Commodore 64 ) its main game was Mouse Hunt and I just couldnt see any worth it changing. It wasnt until I moved to the city in 1985 that I then changed and moved up to the Commodore 64. Some good times, with Destruction Derby, Kung Fu Master, International Karate, Summer Games, and many many more. Its also about this time that I stop buying games and moved to the easier pirate copies. And so would start the rapid change to a long list of games without the endless loss of cash. However again I had to friends who ironically were asian and both had IBM's. Playing the final fantasy games, and a monochrome screen again just did nothing for me. I then saw and fell in love with the Amiga. defender of the Crown was just mind blowing. So I looked into it, and got one in 1987, however a very short time later I also was drawn to AD and D. I had been watching it for years and wasnt allowed to play it. yet my brother bought me a D and D starter kit in 1987 and at the same time i bought a PC for the release of Pool of Radiance. All was around 1988. So I had the Amiga which was primarily being used for Earl weavers base ball, loved the speech in it and ability to create your players and name them. ( how they dont use the same methodology today is beyond me) the PC which was my introduction to coding and loving the C:\ prompts etc. Plus playing the new era of games. This was the start of real changes and although in Australia we were very limited in our games, friends went to Singapore and came back with huge volumes of copies with cover, manuals and the works. Thus started the Bards tales game play and so many adventure games that were available. Yes the Hobbit was an early edition, Civ I, TV sports Basketball, Wing Commander ( now that was huge ) I remember when Wing Commander came out it was 44 meg and you had to look at getting a bigger hard drive. The stardard at that time a huge 20 meg drive. Coming into 1990 a friend bought a 1 Gig drive and it was like OMG why would you ever need that. Around this time I also saw internet for the first time it was an old phone 14.4 k system, however a friend use to get people from Sweden, USA, England and all over sending him games via snail mail. Yes the first Torrent system i suppose. 1991 Started my Uni with Computer Science, and my aim at doing computer games. However on asking the Professors and everyone at uni they looked at me blankly and simple said it is done in Australia and I would have to go to England or somewhere like that to work on Amiga as they were the game Kings. At around the same time Atari were trying to make a comeback with their PC Atari rendition but again flopped. After a year at Uni and getting nowhere as so many just could not see the worth in gaming, I dropped out and of all things became a Cop with a love for games. The time went on I went from a Cop to the Army, and still loved the games. In stormed Red Alert, and so many tactical games, close Combat was another favourite. Around the same time a I was leaving for the army ( 95-96 ) I did pick up a playstation 1. It was $800 and only had 2-3 games available. I played it for one day and returned it think hmmm yeah not that great. I spent my time in the Army and did again get a Playstation in 98-99 with the release of Shane Warnes cricket. Again being able to copy games made it more price relative and it became worth while. Of course another title that got hammered was Gran Turismo. After this I always had a PC running and moved through the PS 1, PS2 and XBOX ( no I never played HALO, didnt really like it ). It wasnt untl 2004-2005 with the use of Torrents that I really saw the huge change in gaming and swapping of material though. With the improvement of Torrents so much more became available and so many more systems were sold. I went back to uni and completed what was now introduced ( a game design degree ) it only took Australia 14-15 years to actually catch up. Now the biggest thing I look at. I never owned or played any of the Nintedo or hand held games. My first Nintendo was the Wii of course and that was only this year 2010. Why because I could add a wode and external HDD. So the list now is long and I look back at what it looked like however I own 9 Xbox 360 ( 5 are dead ) 2 are banned, 1 is live and 1 is JTAG a PS 3 ( jailbreak with 750 internal HDD and 1.5 TB external ) and a Wii Wode with 1.5 TB external HDD. Plus this XMAS will be the first handheld as I buy a DS for my daughter. of couse it will be hacked. as a side note I have never used the Game design degree as on visiting THQ and looking to start work, I realised they were so far removed from me. It was dissapointing in all the years the cliche, basement fat boy virgin that still lives with his mum was oh so true at their Australian work place. Me ex COP, Army Officer SF for 4 years having served overseas, being shot, stabbed and training at the gym everyday. Well lets just say i didnt fit in. A love of games, and knowledge stemming back to before most of them were even in the ball sack, god they couldnt grasp what would be a good game little own want to think outside the box. And so my gaming goes on and more systems will be added along the way im sure of that.
Pfew, where to begin? I guess it started it all with the commodore 64 in the half 90s. We played many many games on those, especially with those audiocassettes with games on it, and later those huge floppies (old times, old times!) Then came the Sega Mastersystem II (and for a while the ATARI Lynx, but I ruined it by accidentally stepping on it ), had SOME games for it but not worthy to name. Let's move forward, early 2006 (I guess) came the XBOX I and later the XBOX 360 (with one with the rrod). And now PC-gaming...
Mine would definatly be sega mega drive; golden axe, streets of rage, road rash etc. Super nintendo mostly mario from what I remeber. Then we got a pc dungeon keeper hexen 2 tomb raider 1 + 2 c&c kknd TA got a ps1, cant even think what games we had for it tekken an metal gear soild dream cast an saturn havent a clue what the games where ps2 gta 3 resident evil and others game cube x box x box 360 ps3 PC tbh honest i miss my first few consoles where the games where simple yet difficult ha ha
i start gaming 1998 on the psx with resident evil..thats was the beginning..years later i got my first gamecube,than a ps2,later a xbox 360 and sine 2 years a ps3...
I know there is a lot to read here so I'll keep it as short as possible! Firstly, I consider myself as a casual gamer so the history isn't long. If my memory serves me right, I started gaming sometime around 1997~1998 on a PC. Back then I used play 'Mario', 'Dave' and 'Tetris'. I guess in 2002 I had bought my first TV video game. Using cassette's to play games I enjoyed playing many games mainly of Racing, Adventure and Sport genre. One of my friend had a PS1 and I enjoyed playing it more at his house. Later around 2004 after upgrading to a Intel Pentium 3. I used play Roadrash, Doom 3 etc. (I still remember using some of the cheats I used in roadrash and Doom 3 one that comes to my mind now is 'xyzzyspoon+Shift+1' for unlimited nitro on Roadrash). Also I had some Gameboy like portable gaming thing. It was black n white LCD and had like 99 small games stored inside it. This was the only portable gaming device I have owned until now unless you consider cellphones. Next when PC's became much more powerful I played all versions of NFS, other games like Max Payne, GTA etc. 2006 was the year I got my Xbox 360 and like many I was satisfied playing all my games on it and I rarely use my PC to play any games even now.
Blimey, I'm an oldie compared to most of you... I started at the age of 11 programming a Z80 home built computer, and made a cursor draw a trail around a screen. This was back in 1979. I had a ZX81, then a Dragon 32 (4 colours hirez lol), before gaming properly on a BBC Micro (Elite was awesome, and I wrote a BASIC complier on it ) and when I started working in 1986 I borught a Commodore 64 (lots of good games that took 30 minutes to load *-)). Got my first PC in 1989 (a 386DX16 with a 387 co-processor) and played Wing Commander alot, Civilization, and infocomm adventures. And since then have always had PCs and play MMOs. I had all the major consoles and handhelds at one time or another, the PS1 and the Xbox360 stand out as the most enjoyable and I now have 4 Xbox360s, 2 normal, 2 jtags (one each in the bedroom and living room) and a ps3 for media playing. Playing the orginal FIFA all the way to FIFA 11 has been an enjoyable journey, along with the various elites, Ultimas, Elder Scrolls, and Doom... oh yes... Doom, I forgot about that. Linked up to my mates PC next door via a home made 20m serial cable. My first days of Multiplayer gaming. I built my own MAME arcade cabinet in 2002 and that is awesome (PC based), and build and modified a few robots. Just about to go into rocketry for a bit of summer fun. And want to launch my own weather ballon satalite next year and beam video home . I just love computers, gadgets and gaming.
My gaming timeline: Atari 2600, Spectrum 128k, NES, Gameboy, SNES, Game Gear, PC, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, PS2, DS Lite, Xbox 360.
Wow what a cool thread. I have started with Atari 2600 of course kept with me till the mid 90s then moved to PS1 and PC. One of my first games that I have got on release date on PC was called Heart Of Darkness, it was more than wonderful. Currently 360, DS lite and hopefully 3ds very soon.
First time I ever played a videogame was at my Gram's house. She had an Atari 2600 and I loved playing games on that old blocky system. Dungeons and Dragons was cool because you had a map that you stuck over the Atari's keyboard that showed all the dungeons and things you could go to. I also remember a slew of sports games, UFO, Asteroids, Pong. This thing had it all. Oh, and let's not forget Space Invaders! The system that really blew my little kid gord was the 8-bit NES! Compared to what I'd been playing on that Atari, the NES was a spectacle of light and sound! I made friends with one of the coolest kids in school just because I'd found out that he owned one! He went on to be the qaurterback, I went on to play D&D... After I got my own NES we mysteriously stopped hanging out!
Where I grew up in the world of video games well when I was 8 I always played my sister's SNES, we would rent games so I played Super Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars a lot. The N64 came out around that time and I got one when I was 9 and I started off with Super Mario 64. My love for gaming didn't truly blossom until what seemed like fate occurred. My sister bought a used car as her first ever car and inside the car I found a N64 game, it was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time so I popped in the game into my N64 and I tried it out, I fell in love with OoT, the Zelda franchise, and video games from then on. When I was 10 my parents bought me both a Dreamcast and a Sega Genesis and I still have nostalgic memories of playing Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic Adventure, and Phantasy Star Online from that time. Eventually my collection grew and grew and I also began to develop a fascination for beta, cut content, and prototypes which has stuck with me. I am now 21 and these days on the list of some of my favorite games are Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Dragon Age: Origins, Star Wars: KotOR and KotOR2....I could go on and on.
Past 2 Present 1. As a kid I used to play with a pirated console they were pretty famous back in the 90's, my favourite was DBZ Super Butoden 2 Pirate. 2. After the Pirate Console, I got into NES with countless hours of Super Mario and Duck Hunt. Oh, and Gameboy too with pirated games. 3. Years later I got a Sega Mega Drive and loved it deeply, Sonic 1-2 are my faves of all time. Matter fact I own two Sega Mega Drives CIB with Pristine Condition, this is something I'll never sell (hell I don't sell my games or my collection at all). 4. After SMD, I wanted an N64 but was given a PS1 instead, it was cool, Tekken 3 was the game I'd pick up always, demos were another thing I'd get to play a lot each month a new mag was released, and.. Gran Turismo. GT's a fine racer. 5. Xbox Crystal but due to the fuck up I've done back then with it, I bricked it and sold. x_x Now I have a black Xbox which 3 months earlier before the incident and afterwards for some god damn reason it acts weird. 6. PS2 but the disc reader was an issue so I sold it at GameStation, the disc reader played fine that time, phew. I decided to get a PS2 Slim chipped but also due to the disc reader I sold it. 7. Dreamcast the one system that died early but is an amazing console, the controller feels natural and the games are awesome. 8. Gamecube.. The only games I owned for it was Mario Double Dash Kart (not really kart but enjoyable), Super Mario Sunshine (it made me feel like it was a streets' cleaning game x_x). Cool cube console. 9. PS3 meh, I loved it in the commence but after I got an Xbox 360 S the PS3 became just a Blu-ray Player only. 10. Xbox 360 S is so fuckin' awesome, the controller feels like an improved version of Dreamcast, games.. there's a tonload of them (Retails, Arcades, Indies) but in mah opinion the truly best of 360 is LIVE gaming. Oh and yeah, Kinect's a beast too. Consoles I own: Dreamcast (Unboxed) Mega Drive (Boxed) Saturn (Unboxed) Zx Spectrum First (Unboxed) Zx Spectrum Second Plus (Unboxed) PS2 (Unboxed - FAT) PS3 (Boxed - Slim 250 GB) Xbox (Unboxed - Black) Xbox 360 (Boxed - Glossy Black S 250 GB) 64 (Unboxed) Gameboy (Unboxed) Gamecube (Unboxed) NES (Boxed) As for games, the list's kinda big so I'll skip it.
My PS2 had that issue but if you look inside it the laser is covered with dust just so anybody seeing this knows just wipe it with a cotton but ( take the PS2 apart first ) then it should be fine
I thought to encourage the up to meet other members and Trebor remember it owesits original function, it is quite a unique idea for a topic What you have owned consoles or king?